A Deal Worth A Hundred Billion Dollars

Alexa had slept late last night but she was up early today and she looked charming and bright like the sunshine. She didn't look like someone who had slept around 3a.m. after going around town with a guy for almost three hours.

She felt energetic after a cup of coffee and some light breakfast. She kissed her brother goodbye after dropping at his school and then her driver took her directly to the office.

Her mind kept flashing back to Earl and how he made her laugh with every statement he made. She never thought he was the funny one at all. He was a nice person and treated her with respect and didn't try to take advantage of her at all.

It was one of the best days of her life, aside from the days she spent with Bryan. She liked Earl a lot but still could not see herself getting romantically involved with him, not now nor in the future. She just liked him enough to want to be with him and that's why she proposed they hang out often.