She Never Liked Me

Not able to take it anymore she broke the silence, "what do you want with me? Why did you want to see me?"

The man chuckled dryly, "so you really don't remember me anymore baby sister."

Rachael's eyes widened in surprise and shock as she covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming out loud.

"What are you talking about? My brother is long dead…" her voice broke as she spoke, she didn't seem convinced in what she just said and made the strange man lean back while chuckling.

"So you still remember me but you didn't think I survived did you?" he folded his arm across his chest and looked intently at her.

She shook her head, "it's impossible that you're him, he died years ago in an accident."

"You had hoped that I had died, right? Because you were selfish and wicked! You wanted everything for yourself and that's why you brought me to that man in the first place. You wanted to kill me!"