John Mccoy

After discussing the details with Bernadette, Bryan said, "keep an eye out for John, I'll handle the interrogations."

She left after kissing him goodbye. She still had some more work to do for the academy. It was a small local store that was suspected to be selling illegal drugs but no evidence had been gotten to nail them in court.

The reason why the academy had taken interest in the case was because one of the students there had been reported dead after buying some food items from that shop. The tests showed that he had some kind of unidentified drugs in his system.

Through back tracing they concluded that it had to be that store that had access to that 'poison'. The investigation was supposed to be simple on paper but truthfully this was the hardest investigation she had ever worked on for the academy.

She had thought of asking Bryan for help but then she had second thoughts as she knew that he too was busy with his own work.