A Lady With A Spending Problem

Bryan and Bernadette left Stephanie's apartment each with different thoughts. Bernadette thought that they had hit another dead end and was hoping that Bryan will find another way to solve this.

Bryan stopped and turned to her abruptly and said, "Did you think that her reaction was weird?"

"Very, but that could be considered normal. We don't have anything on her unless we bug her calls to find out if they spoke and if so what about."

Bryan nodded, "that's true. It seems that she is either an emotionless wreck or she knows where John is. Either way I know for certain that she knows something. We'll try bugging her calls and checking her call history."

Bernadette nodded and they walked on in silence but suddenly Bryan spoke up, "help me track her bank account and find all transactions she has made."

Bernadette was surprised and asked, "Why do you want to do that?"

It wasn't like knowing how much she had in her bank account will help in the case.