Striking A Deal

"Another good news came in just now from the forensic pathologists who handled the case earlier, the finger prints found at the warehouse matched perfectly with Mr McCoy's and you know what that means."

Bryan, with a smile, pushed another paper to the lawyer. By this time Stephanie was as pale as a ghost and her lips were quivering in fear. Her head ran miles a second trying to figure out a way to get out of this mess.

Bryan answered Jason's question, "it means that your client is an accomplice in the murder of late Mr Stark Devereux and also willingly covered up for him thereby hiding information from the police and obstructing justice. She will serve a lengthy jail term."

Stephanie clenched her teeth and balled her fist as cold sweat drenched her completely. She glanced at her lawyer who was as unmoving as a stone statue. She couldn't figure out what she was thinking or if she had any contingency plan.