The Confession

Bryan entered the interrogation room a little later than he had planned and Jason gave him a questioning look. The target had been awake for almost thirty minutes.

Jason had watched from the one way glass how the man took in his environment and how he familiarised himself with his current situation. Apparent shock was etched all over his face.

He had entered ten minutes after he woke up and with a smile he commented, "You should have your heart in your hand by now, Mr McCoy."

"Why I'm I being arrested?" he asked quickly while he glared at the man like burning lava.

"Funny, isn't that the question you should've asked before attempting to escape?" Jason tapped the table and added, "You'll know when my colleague gets here. I'll not show you the warrant."

He sat opposite him and waited till now. Bryan gave an apologetic look before smiling at the man who had his hand cuffed to the metal table.