'I Won't Remember You'

"Do you live around here?" he asked trying to make a conversation with her. He couldn't just sit like that could he?

She nodded while wolfing down the rice; if Fred saw her eating here he'd surely snap since she had refused to eat his food and claimed that she was on a diet. She knew very well what her doctor implied when she said that.

"I live not very far from here and I work at the café at the corner." She was all smiles as she said that.

Jason thought she was cute too but he ended up saying, "nice, it must be pretty fun to live here."

"Not really, the city Central is quite a huge catch." She chuckled.

He had to agree, that was the most bustling and liveliest place in Haston city with a high population density.

They talked a bit and she got to find out that he too was a police officer. Was it her luck to have two friends who were officers? She clicked her tongue, "that's nice; I have a friend who's also a detective."