Operation 2

Bryan quickly recognised that they were Emily's people and he was partly excited that she was here but overly worried. First they were already ruining the plan and second she'll fight against him over who will put the bullets into Zurich and Malcolm.

The last thing he wanted was to give up his chance for revenge to her but then again maybe she deserved to have that chance but deep inside he was conflicted about it.

The communicator flooded with voices and the chief blared, "I thought I was clear about opening fire before getting inside? Who is shooting?"

Apparently the chief couldn't see what was happening from the side they had gone to so he had thought that it was either Jason's team or the other team near them. The two team leaders replied that they knew about the shooting.

"I'm guessing it's another team that has arrived and either they're friendly or they're foe so keep your eyes open." Jason informed the other groups over on the ear piece.