Operation 4

Bryan, with his neck choked, was slammed into the wall and it hurt his spine so much that he saw stars dance around him.

He lifted his arm but it was twisted behind his back and a mountainous punch welcomed his jaw with so much force that his head snapped the other way. He panicked but quickly tried to think of something to do to help himself out of the sticky situation.

Hawk head threw him onto the floor and laughed, "are you such a coward that you can't even fight back?"

Bryan cleaned his bloody mouth and snickered, "the person who attacks people while they're clueless is that bravery? Give me a moment to rest then I'll give you a fair duel."

Hawk head shook his head, "ignorant fool, remind me of the reason I didn't kill you the other two times we met?"

Bryan was now standing but he was bending slightly to the side, "the answer is simple, you were a big, fat bag of gigantic cowardice in human clothing!"