The Machine

From where she was, Bernadette could hear the gunshot so she rushed to that direction to check what was happening. Due to her years of practice she was a decent runner so she was able to get there in two minutes.

The moment she entered the room her eyes widened in shock. Bryan was lying on the floor just beneath the smug Emily who had her arms crossed over her chest.

She looked from Bryan to her again before rushing up to the man on the floor with a streak of blood flowing from his head, "Bryan!"

"What did you do?!" she was ready to wipe the floor with this b***h right now. She didn't care that she was more trained than she was but how dare she raise her hand against her man? How dare she hurt Bryan that much?

Her eyes became red with anger and her fists curled up and she finally delivered the punch that she had infused with every bit of her will power, "I told you that if you hurt him I'll personally break your neck!"