Interrogation 1

  Bryan noticed the lady's timid smile and her body language: she was alert and wary but why? Did she have something to hide?

He covered up his observations with a smile and showed his badge while Bernadette did the talking, "we're from the police headquarters and we are here to ask you a few questions regarding a murder case."

"What murder case?" she asked almost immediately and her body became tensed and stiff.

"Can we talk inside?" the lady officer asked and she nodded and stepped aside to let them in.

"Ah," she turned sharply, "would you like anything to drink?"

Bryan smiled, "juice will do."

Bernadette took out her note pad, "water."

She will be recording the statement today while Bryan will take his time studying the house and her reaction to each question.

The lady returned with the glass of water and juice and her hands trembled slightly, she set it down and sat across the two.

"You're Janna correct?"