It's Always You!

  "You're fired!"

"What?" Fred blinked as he looked carefully at the fuming meteor in front of him.

"You heard me right," Maria glared at him, "I'm asking you to get out of my café!"

Fred sighed. These days it has become like this. The other day she had yelled at him for trying to do his job.

"Get back to work and don't stand there for idle chatter!" he had scolded three workers who were slacking the other day.

At that moment, Maria looked up and glared at him with intent to kill, "don't you dare talk that way to my employees!"

He had wanted to argue that he was doing his job but he noticed that she had become a little jumpy ever since he had that fight with her beloved boyfriend. He knew not to push his luck.

Then the said boyfriend died and she became even more irritable, constantly slapping him, threatening him or both. He had no problem with these since he saw that all these changes occurred after he confessed his feelings to her.