Dragging in The Big Fish

  Three days later.

Bernadette was able to narrow down her suspect's list to three individuals who had access to the samples and the test results. It had taken a lot of effort from her side and some pulling of strings to get the list narrowed down.

The best part was that despite having the three names she was starting to believe that one of the doctors was involved in the scheme due to how suspicious he has been behaving in these three days.

She had handed her findings to Bryan who quickly took a look and decided to keep a look out on the three suspects. He also took a look at their activities on the day of the murder and found that two out of the three had an alibi. Solid ones

Despite this, he couldn't rule out the fact that there was a network of insiders who were collaborating with the killer but for what? Were they threatened or forced to do it? Were they paid to do it?