Made Up With A Crash

Earl felt a bit melancholic seeing Alexa talking to Benson so amicably as if they knew each other for ages. He had the idea to go over and try to talk to her but held himself back at the last moment.

The last time he talked to her, she had walked away from him and didn't even listen to his explanations and it hurt him a bit. There was no point in trying so hard to talk to someone who wasn't ready to give you attention.

Despite feeling like this, he still felt a bit sour knowing that he couldn't go over and talk to her. He wanted her to just look at him for one second or to just wave at him. That way he'd know that she's at least a bit calmer.

The only problem was that if she started behaving friendlier with him it could mean that she saw him no more than an acquaintance at a less personal level. He sighed, why was it so hard to get her off his chest?