The Ninth Murder

Ben walked back to his house in a happier mood. He had never thought he'd see Maria that happy before and today, seeing her that happy—no matter the reason—made him happy as well.

He unknowingly had a small smile on his lips as he opened his door and took off his shoes. He shrugged off his shirt and hung it on a hanger and plopped on a sofa with his hand massaging his forehead.

Another thing that made him happy was the fact that she had talked to him in a calm manner and had treated a bit… different. Ever since he made that huge mistake of fighting for her, he had regretted his actions to the point of beating himself up.

She was broken and he knew it. It was due to excess guilt that he had approached her and tried to talk to her and clear things up but she lashed out at him and he understood perfectly well and thought that he deserved more than that.