A Difficult Choice To Make

  The interrogation was suspended till the next day due to the unsettling feelings of the police chief after learning about the conspiracy to put the blame for the murder of Collins Flint on Bryan.

The evidence was clear and the boy had no reason to lie and he had seen it with his own eyes. The fact was that Bryan was drugged and dragged to the scene where his finger prints were laced all over the place.

The boy was smart enough to capture everything on camera but what was more unsettling was the type of drug used on the detective that made his vulnerable yet still mobile.

All in all, the detective was innocent and all charges were dropped the moment he showed the video to the judge. Frederick would have to wait for now.

The car pulled over and he came down and headed straight to the hospital ward where Bryan was. He was still weak yet was awake.

"My trial isn't till I recover right?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.