Elixir of Love 3

3 Lone Vampire Hunter

The scent of blood drew them near, enticing them. It gave them away, opening them up. William was impressed as he hid behind the pillar in the abandoned building, the bright moon shining in through the cracks in the roof and windows.

It wasn't the brightest of nights but the sky was clear and one could see the moon and stars clearly. Cold breeze blew in, ruffling the rags that hung over the broken windows. William watched as the vampires crept forward, their noses held up, sniffing and gnarling.

They were supposed to sense him with their heightened senses but they didn't. The blood he had smeared on the floor was enough to numb all their senses, taking away the last shred of rationality they had left in them. It often times amazed William how stupid they could be at the sight of blood.