Book 4-11.1: Ascent

"So fluffy!"

Yuriko squealed as she stroked the cat woman, Masa's, tail. The feel of the silky fur against her fingers and palm sent a thrill of glee into her mind and she couldn't help but giggle mindlessly.

"Ahn!" Masa gave a squelched moan, and collapsed bonelessly on the ground. Her face was red and her ears twitched incessantly.

Yuriko kept stroking as she observed the cat-eared and tailed woman out of the corner of her eyes.

Masa was a few inches shorter than Yuriko, clad in a hard leather cuirass, with similar brown tasses that flared until mid-thigh. She wore thick slacks and a gambeson, light grey, under the cuirass. Her tail stuck out from a hole in her pants.

"E...enough…please!" Masa pleaded and Yuriko sighed before stopping. "Thank you."

Yuriko backed up a bit, to let the woman gather her composure. Normally, if someone attacked her, she would rarely show mercy, but exceptions were easily made. Masa's silver and grey hair, or fur, reminded her too much of Hunter Kitty, and she sorely missed her pet.

She settled a few paces away from the…Kutin clansman, wasn't it. A deeper inspection of her surroundings told her that while the pathway looked familiar, it was markedly different.

The ambient Chaos was much thinner, closer to what she felt on Rumiga than Kogasi, though was still denser than home. The path was narrower and wasn't as tall. The canal wasn't filled. She could see rubble and dust coating the bottom that was two paces deep. Also, the ceiling panels were set farther apart. The slope was steeper too, though it was about thirty degrees rather than fifteen from under.

Masa picked herself up, face still flushed. She avoided looking Yuriko in the eye as she dusted her clothes. Her longsword had fallen from her grasp and she bent over to retrieve and sheath it.

"Ahem," Masa coughed.


"Let's get going?"


Yuriko strolled up next to Masa and both of them walked up the incline. The slope was steeper and the spiralling curve much more obvious. Masa's boots seemed to be padded since Yuriko could barely hear her footsteps.

"So, what happened to you?" Yuriko asked. "I think you bumped into me when I crossed the Tidelands."

"Tidelands? Here?" Masa grew alarmed. "But we're nowhere near the edge of the plane!"

"Yes, Tidelands," Yuriko affirmed. "There's no mistaking the ambient Chaos and shifting Waypoints."

"Was that why I fell so long?" Masa muttered under her breath. There was an edge there that Yuriko didn't know what to make of, but if the cat woman had been trapped in a Waypoint, then it was probably Yuriko's trespass that broke its hold on the other. Well, the tail stroking was payment enough, ehehehe.

"You mentioned the Reviled and you confused me for one of them," Yuriko said to fill the silence. "Mind telling me what's going on?"

"How can you not know?" Masa grimaced. "Oh, wait, you're a foreigner," she muttered. "Uhm, well…what do you know of the Peoples?"

"Absolutely nothing," Yuriko admitted freely. "This is the first time I've left my home plane, and it was through an accident, too."

"Oh, you'll have to tell me about it," Masa replied absently, though she gave Yuriko a sharp side glance. "As I've said before, the Reviled are vicious poachers, thieves, and bandits!"

"They're human?"

"Yes, but not all are human. The outcasts amongst the People are exiled to the south, to Grieford. I didn't think the Ahas clansmen would join them in foolishness."

"Ahas clansmen? Do they look like you?" Masa gave her such an offended look that Yuriko flushed and coughed into her fist. "Er, sorry?"

"Hmph! Ahas, Buwak, and L'tik! The People who descend from reptilian roots. Ahas are snakemen, Buwak, crocodiles, and the L'tik are the lizardmen."

"Eh? What's a crocodile?"

"An aquatic ambush predator," Masa said idly. "They resemble terrestrial lizards but can grow several paces long."

"Oh. River lizards."

"I suppose you can call them as such." Masa's voice was dry. "Anyway, the Peoples are divided into three alliances, the cats, the snakes, and the bears. The Oska clan rules the north. The criminals and exiles from the three are driven to the south, to the desert and the wastes. There, they formed their own corrupted society and were joined by Tiath City-State's exiles."


They'd been walking for nearly an hour and the monotony of their travel made Yuriko glad for the company. She didn't quite trust Masa yet, after all, they've only just met and under such dubious circumstances too. They kept a couple of paces distance from each other, though in truth, that was nothing should either decide to attack.

Masa was rather agile, but Yuriko judged the other woman still too slow. Her combat style was interesting though, a mix weapon and unarmed work. She stared at Masa's fingers, or maybe paws would be a better description.

They were shorter and stubbier than a human's. The distal phalanx, or last part of the finger where the fingernail was, were feline claws. They retracted into the middle phalanx, and the entire thing was covered in soft, downy white fur. The rest of Masa was distinctly human-like. She had some fur, very light and nearly invisible, on her cheek. Since Yuriko didn't know what was under Masa's clothes, she supposed the rest of her body was covered in similar fur.

Those claws at her fingertips were razor-sharp, much sharper than Hunter Kitty's. Though still not sharp enough to pierce Yuriko's skin. Or maybe her flared Anima had more to do with it. Besides, Masa's mistake during their brief battle was that she didn't imbue her attacks with enough Animus.

"Tell me about you?" Masa asked, giving her a sidelong glance. "Do all of your people dress so…er, scantily?"

Yuriko blinked, then flushed. She'd forgotten that she was barely wearing anything! Masa eyed her face with a strange expression, coughed, then looked away.

"Ah, no. Not at all. The only reason I'm not wearing anything more is that my clothes don't fit anymore."

"Huh, how come? Battle damage?"

"No, not at all. My outerwear is made of forceweave."

"Isn't that Verdanian clothing?" Masa's eyes widened, "You're from the Verdanian Empire?" Her voice had risen in pitch until it was a squeak by the end.

"That's the Eternal Empire of the Righteous Order," Yuriko said primly. "And yes. Though I live in a frontier plane. That's as far as one can live from the Capital and still be in Imperial territory," she continued ruefully.

"I…see…" Masa muttered, avoiding Yuriko's gaze again. The woman's face was curiously blank. "So what happened to your clothes?"

"Er. I outgrew them. I've been lost since…er…the last Season of Water."

"How could you outgrow your clothes in less than a year? Don't tell me you put on weight!" Masa swivelled and gave her a head to toe. Her eyes lingered on Yuriko's midriff, her collarbones, and her shoulders.

"Hey, I'm still a growing girl!"

"Oh yeah? How old are you then?"

"Thir…ah, fourteen."

Masa froze and blinked stupidly. "You're only fourteen years old?" she asked disbelievingly.


She shook her head. "Well, call me big sister then. I'm already eighteen this year."

"Huh, but you're so small…"

"No, you're big!" Masa retorted, "for a human…"

Yuriko chuckled and after a moment, Masa joined in.

"Well, just call me Masa, I suppose."

"My friends call me Yuri."

"Alright, Yuri. How exactly did you end up here? The Verdanians are notoriously protective of their children."

Yuriko shook her head.

"If by protective you mean they bring us to be tested and trained heavily, then yeah. Anyway, I got caught in a battle with a Chaos Lord and a Chaos Storm. A rift formed and I got sucked inside. I don't know what happened but when I came to, I was already in the plane below. Kogasi."

"How do you know that? And why do you say it's a plane?" Masa asked incredulously.

"Er, I saw some records?"

"No one from Bella plane has ever made it down the Labyrinth," Masa said softly. She glanced at Yuriko and shook her head. "Er, so does that mean you're usually clothed more conservatively?" She asked with a lilt in her tone.

"Yes." Yuriko shrugged.

"Ah, that's fine, I guess. Er, maybe you should put on the rest of your clothes?"

"They don't fit too well and are likely to be damaged in battle. I've only got a couple of changes left."

"Oh. Um, I've got a spare poncho here."

Masa shifted her pack over to her front, undid the laces, and rummaged through the inside. She withdrew a thin square of tan cloth and tossed it over.

"Oh, uhm, thanks." Yuriko smiled while Masa shrugged and averted her eyes. She unfolded the cloth and found that it would cover her below the neck and just below her hips. The hole for her head was just wide enough to reveal her collarbones and maybe one shoulder if she let it rest that way. It was nice and fluttery but it probably would get in the way should she fight. Well, better than just wearing a breast band. "How much do I owe you?"

"Oh. Uh, that's a hundred Denari. But you don't have to pay me. Or rather, " Masa grinned, "That's just a loan. Return it when you buy some clothes in Vizugmon City."

"But it's pretty," Yuriko sighed. While folded, the poncho revealed only a tan colour, but once she wore it, a square chain pattern ran across her bosom. Plus it had tassels at the corners!

"Well, if you really like it, then sure, just pay me later," Masa said idly.

"How much is a Sovereign worth to a Denari?" Yuriko asked.

"I don't know." Masa shrugged. "I'm not sure there's an official exchange rate. Maybe if we just weigh the coin we can figure it out?"

"I suppose." Yuriko shrugged.

Their conversation lagged a bit while each woman was lost in their own thoughts. As for Yuriko, she had satisfied her need to talk to another person, for now anyway.

A couple of hours later, the spiralling ramp levelled off into a large cavern. Stalactites and stalagmites peppered the area, with some already meeting in the middle and well on their way to becoming pillars. The light came from bioluminescent moss now, instead of Animus lights from crystal panels.

Masa glanced about shiftily, stealthily creeping next to a pillar and surveying the surroundings. Yuriko just walked openly and when her bare foot splashed on a puddle, Masa glared murder at her.

"Are you that worried about those clansmen?"

"I don't know what they won't resort to." Masa hissed, "Most of the Reviled are criminals, thieves, murderers, and illegal timberers. As for the Ahas and others, just the fact that they joined forces tars them with the same brush."

"Why are you so upset with them here anyway?" Yuriko ran a finger against one of the pillars. It was surprisingly dry. The moss was nice and soft too.

"They're not supposed to be in the Labyrinth!" Masa yelled. "There must be a new entrance outside of Vizugmon's control."

"Uh-huh," Yuriko muttered noncommittally. She waited for Masa to satisfy her instincts and then she let the other woman lead them. After her experiences in the Nest, she'd rather not get lost in another tunnel system.

She supposed that Masa's people treated the Labyrinth as a source of danger and wealth, much like how Faron's Crossing's economy was supported by Chaos Shards and dust from the Tidelands nearby.


"What's that!" Masa yelped as she jumped up a pace in fright, whirling around as she landed on her toes.

"My tummy," Yuriko said while her cheeks heated up, "I'm hungry."

"Oh. Hahaa. Don't startle me," Masa muttered. "Uhm, I have some rations if you want."

"No need, I have rations, too. Though I need to cook them."

"What kind of trail rations need cooking?" Masa muttered.

"The kind I found. Hah, the ration bars I brought with me are long gone. Come on," Yuriko waved as she headed to a secluded looking nook. "Let's make camp."

"You have fuel there to cook?"

"I'll carve a runescript campfire."

"You know runescript?" Masa exclaimed.

Yuriko rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to avoid attention maybe you shouldn't yell every other minute."

Masa's face turned completely crimson while her tail stood out behind her and poofed like a bottle brush. It was so cute!

Yuriko resisted the urge to glomp the woman's tail. And ears! They lay flat against her hair.

Fingers twitching, Yuriko led them to a nook that was partially covered from casual sight by a couple of pillars. She traced her campfire runescript on the ground, ignited it with a little bit of Animus then settled the pot on top. She poured water from her condenser canteen and from a bamboo canister. Two servings for the two of them.

Masa dug into her pack and came up with a few strips of dried meat. She offered it to Yuriko, but her eyes followed the jerky as they were tossed in the pot.

"Here's what's been feeding me the last couple of weeks," Yuriko said as she reached into her hip satchel and drew out a couple of redbones. Masa's eyes widened so much that her eyebrows disappeared into her hair.

"Wha…what? You eat those? That's Ivory!"

"Huh, yeah. Good eating. They melt into a tasty stew," Yuriko said as she tossed them into the pot.

"No!" Masa lunged to catch the bones and almost got burned for her trouble. She pulled the redbones to her bosom and gave Yuriko a troubled look.

"These things are worth hundreds of Denari and you've just been eating them?" Her scandalized tone was more than enough.

"Huh." Yuriko shrugged. "They stopped me from starving to death." She patted her satchel, "Don't worry, I've got a couple dozen more here."

Masa's jaw dropped and Yuriko couldn't help but laugh loud enough for the sound to echo.