Book 6-4.3: Presentation

Mum's attire, for the Presentation to the court, was nearly identical to the battle dress she used when she rescued Yuriko from the Pure Lands. She wasn't sure if those were the real clothes or ornamental copies though as Sadeen's control over her Animus, and her immediate surroundings, blocked off Chaos Sight.

When Yuriko activated the technique, she only saw meek Chaos flows around Mum, which oddly reminded her of the nighttime streams.

It was just an hour past noon, when the Mishala entourage arrived at the perimeter of the Palace. They didn't have to walk on the green lanes though. Instead, a carriage, pulled by a clockwork horse, of all things, arrived to pick them up. The carriage was big enough for all of them, even if it looked no bigger than a personal landcrafter. Once inside, Yuriko couldn't see the horse, much to her regret. The quick glimpse she had showed her that the entirety of the brass coloured metal it was made off was layered with fine runescript lines. She would have to enhance her sight to see small things as well as keep Chaos Sight active in order to decipher the lines.

Yuriko was accompanied by Sadeen, Ryoko as her chief attendant, Miya, as well as two other women who were her Mum's and her cousin's attendants. Prima Elisha wasn't around.

"Hmmph, she's lazy," Sadeen sniffed when asked.

"Ah, Grandma's busy," Miya interjected with an apologetic look.

The attendants wore their usual uniform, though maybe it was just a bit fancier than the usual, with a bit of jewellery, gold and gemstones, to enhance their appeal.

Reinhardt and Shara sat at the rear of the carriage and for a change, they were dressed in Imperial fashion. The exiled prince for a black satin trousers, a white, long sleeved undershirt, and a purple jacket that was tight across his chest and flared at the waist. He had a layer of ruffles spilling from his neck and his hair was tamed and slicked back. He gave her a nervous smile and her Mum a wary glance. He didn't have much of a role for the presentation; Mum said that he was her retainer or something. Yuriko wasn't sure of the distinction but since he sought political asylum, she supposed that was part of the plan.

The journey towards the central region took only a few minutes, and then the carriage was going up a driveway that stopped at the entrance of a massive dome. It was roughly ten storeys high–a bit more than thirty paces tall. The footman opened the door for them and the attendants exited, helping their charge off the carriage as they did. Yuriko was the last to exit, and as Ryoko helped her down, she couldn't help but stare at the grand entrance.

The marble that surrounded the double doors had statues carved in them. Human figures with flowers and vines wrapped around them. Her eyes naturally followed the pattern but a moment later, she winced as pain pulsed in her mind. Looking at the entire structure felt safe, or better, she just followed the others as they were led inside. As they crossed the threshold, she felt a wave of Animus run over her body. The strange thing was that it didn't have a light.

The antechamber was as grand as could be expected. A herald, a youngish looking man with deep, unfathomable eyes, was waiting for them just inside. He swept into a low bow at the sight of Mum.

"Imperial Court Sorceress Mishala, this way, please."

He glanced at Yuriko and the others, and gave her a small, but welcoming smile. Yuriko and the other girls curtsied while Reinhardt bowed.

They were led into another chamber, this one was far larger than she expected. Jade pillars rose up to the ceiling, which reflected the skies outside. The light from the Radiant Sun didn't charge her with Radiant energy, which was how she knew it was mere illusion.

Her eyes were drawn to the far side of the chamber, where an elevated platform and diaphanous silk curtains barely concealed the figure seated on a throne. A pulse of power rushed from it, making the air waver and spin. The scent of myriad flowers filled the air, which changed to the pleasant scents of fragrant woods, maple, hickory, and sandalwood before it changed again. To the scent of rot and decay. Then it was back to the lovely flowering. Cycles upon cycles while the scenery changed, matching the growth and death of Seasons.

Mum glided towards the throne confidently and her movement pulled them along. Yuriko idly noted the people by the sides, on one knee and head bowed. Her eyes were drawn to the throne, but she couldn't see any features. She couldn't even ascertain if there really was someone seated there and the figure shimmered with the cycles.

It must be the Empress. But she couldn't really be sure.

Once they were within twenty paces, Mum stopped, then curtsied so deeply that her face almost touched the carpet, her skirts spread wide at her side. Yuriko and the others knelt, eyes and faces on the floor.


The single breathy word prompted them to follow. And now, etiquette demanded that she not stare up. She kept her gaze firmly at the foot of the throne.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Sadeen began, her powerful voice sending ripples in the air, "may I present my daughter and heir, Yuriko Mishala Davar?"

Yuriko stepped forwards and curtsied again, mimicking her Mum's earlier pose. She could feel a powerful gaze focused on the back of her head, and it made her spine tingle with dread.

"A beautiful child," the voice said. "She will do nicely."

"Ah…" Sadeen gasped, then Yuriko heard her audibly swallow. "You wish for it?"

"My child asked. Let it be so."

"As you wish." Sadeen's voice was even, but there was a subtle bite to it.

The subtle pressure suddenly disappeared, and with a gasp, Yuriko looked up. The platform and the throne was gone, as were the ethereal scenes of growth and decay. Instead, the hall suddenly seemed so…mundane.

Yuriko glanced at her Mum, seeing her chew her lip fitfully. Sadeen glanced at Yuriko, then sighed.

"What was…?" Yuriko began.

"Later, baby," Sadeen replied. "For now, focus on the rest of the Presentation."

They moved around the court, visiting clumps of nobles and other august personages. She was presented with names, titles, factions, and interests. Most of the people also brought children near her age along, and they were expected to socialise while the elders talked. The conversation was somewhat stiff and mostly revolved around the turning of the Season, the end of the Academic year, and invitations to gatherings.

Yuriko and Miya gracefully deflected such invitations, asking only that they send the formal invites to the estate since they weren't sure of their own vacation schedule. With three Mishalas in the chamber, the attention was split enough that Yuriko didn't find it uncomfortable. In fact, most of the attention was on her Mum.

She could see the beginnings of Aspiration behind the eyes of everyone around her, but thankfully, they were directed at Sadeen. Well, most of the boys her age split their attention between her and Miya, and she could see it behind their eyes too. But if she were to compare the level between the elders and the younger…

The elders shook themselves and grimaced in consternation after Sadeen left them for the next group. They avoided staring at Mum too.

"This is Duke Leon, leader of the Iris Union." Sadeen introduced a middle-aged man, who gave Yuriko and Miya a bland look. The man reminded her of Finan's friend, Aerda, and given the clan name, she assumed they were closely related.

"...Duke Garderon of the Gladiolus Alliance."

"...Duke Orgilles of the Peony Blossom Compact."

A whirlwind of introductions. She must have met nearly a thousand people by now. She could barely keep their names and faces straight. But she remembered Miya's lesson about the court's factions.

The Gladiolus Alliance were those who pushed to expand the Empire's borders as quickly as possible. The Peony Blossom were those who wanted to separate the Empire from the rest of the known world and keep their borders safe. The Iris Union only wanted to spread the Empire's culture to their neighbours, and of course, increase trade. There were more factions, of course, nearly as many as there were clans. But the three were the biggest and most influential ones.

As for the Empress and the imperial family, well, Miya said that they often let the nobles hash out what they wanted out of the empire, as long as they remained within the boundaries of the law.

She saw many of her classmates here. There was Jon Abrigo, who gave her a knowing wink, but paled when Miya eyed him imperiously. There was Draknon Garderon, who smirked at her and pursed his lips. Aerda was nowhere near Draknon's group, but he gave her a soothing smile from across the hall.

Finally, after several hours of mingling, Yuriko felt more exhausted than ever. One thing she was grateful for was that no one propositioned her at all. Their eyes lingered on her face and body, but no one did anything more than stare.

Music filled the air, and the central area was suddenly clear. Couples gathered on the floor and began to dance. A boy, Claude Synka, she thought, approached Miya and asked for a dance.

Reinhardt tugged at her sleeve and bowed. "May I have this dance?"

She wasn't supposed to refuse a dance today, so she agreed. Unfortunately, Reinhardt was more confident than skilled, and he was ignorant of the current dance, so Yuriko had to subtly help him lead. She enjoyed it anyway, even if she was several inches taller than he was, and looked like she might as well lead the dance.

After they were done, another asked her to dance, and she accepted. She didn't remember the boy's name, and he was also shorter than she was, with his eyes level with her lips. He was a better dancer though.

On and on she danced. With different partners for every song. Clammy hands touched hers, and she realised that they were probably as nervous as she. That calmed her down, and she relaxed. Dancing was actually quite enjoyable.

A few of her partners matched her height, but those who were taller were the older boys. Miya's paramours asked her to dance too, and she gracefully accepted. Claude Synka was standoffish and acted as if the dance was an obligation he had to meet. That didn't stop him from leering down her dress though.

Finally, the sequence of dances was done and they were led to the side where several cocktail tables were set up. Platters of food were quite the welcome sight, and despite the urge to gobble them down, she picked at her food delicately.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur. More dancing, more inane mingling, but at least the food was divine. A couple of hours before midnight, Mum collected her and the others and they left the dome. Some of the nobles were still going strong, but most of the youths had already left.

Hours of dancing left Yuriko's feet and legs somewhat sore, but it was no worse than when she trained. The carriage brought them beyond the Palace quarter and straight to the estate. She jolted awake when they arrived, only to see Mum with a pensive look gazing at the Luminous Moon.

She brought Yuriko up to her room where she dismissed Ryoko without even having the attendant undress and ready her for bed. Mum did that instead. The buttons of her gown were at the back, so it would have been awkward to undo them herself.

"Mum?" Yuriko murmured.

"Ah. Well, I guess I should have expected that," Sadeen murmured ruefully.

"Expected what?"

Mum's fingers paused. "Elisha didn't inform you? Hmmm, the 29th Pia'Vasi also sent a proposal."

Yuriko's heart leapt to her throat and any sleepiness was quickly dispersed. She turned to look at her Mum, but Sadeen's face was impassive.

"The 29th?"

"Well, I suppose this is a Fate we mother and daughter cannot escape from." She chuckled. "It shouldn't be so bad…"

It couldn't be, right? Ryoko's words, a few weeks ago, surfaced in her mind. The only one the clan couldn't reject out of hand was a proposal from the Pia'Vasi.

"Well, I suppose an Imperial Prince would be fine for your first husband."