Book 10-22.3: Hasty Travels

"How long did the Silver Tiger wait for you?" Yuriko asked as Eli'Theria docked inside the Chaos ship.

"To my reckoning, half a year," Sadeen answered idly.

Piloting Eli'Theria was similar enough to her experience in the Koinos Colossus back in Realmheart with a few major differences. The first being that it was actually her Mum controlling the Colossus, while she made use of Eli'Theria's Amplifiers to project her Anima to more than a hundredfold her reach. The feeling of power was so heady that she felt that she was dreaming.

The reality was that she was holding the Chaos Sea back from the landcraft convoy which wasn't rated to protect its occupants from it. Already, she saw the Karcellians, notably the ones with the weakest Anima strength, fainting. That was good, otherwise, they'd probably have gone mad as the Chaos twisted their thoughts and bodies.

Her Mien was that much better than exposure to the Chaos Sea, however, especially now that it was weirdly mixed in with her Mum's.

"Besides, they didn't just wait here. The Tiger regularly returns to Realmheart to refresh its crew and resupply. We came out when I knew they'd return."

"How did you know through the temporal disturbance?" Yuriko asked.

She felt Sadeen smirk. The core, like the one in the Koinos, didn't let her see the other occupant. In fact, it didn't really let her see what it was. As far as she knew, she was merged with the Colossus and saw through Eli'Theria's eyes and felt, albeit faintly, through her limbs. She could also take control of the body if it was necessary, but unless Mum allowed her, it would take struggling against Sadeen's control.

"My Mien," Mum finally answered. "Captain Larrise Mishala Sommer is one of the few clanswomen who can hold many bonds. And, hmmm, now that you're a Knight, I should train you regarding its more advanced uses."

"Oh. Alright. Uhm, I already know a few things."

"You didn't tell me?"

"I forgot," Yuriko lied, and a second later, she knew that her Mum could tell. But from the amusement rolling off her, it didn't look like Sadeen minded. Instead, she chuckled.

"My child, don't be prudish. You're a Mishala also, not just a Davar."

Yuriko felt herself blush, suddenly remembering the accidental peek she got at her parents' bedroom while they were using it. A memory she quickly expunged and bricked up at the very back of her mind. Right where that old pervert was.

"We'll work on how you can control your Mien during our journey back to Rumiga," Sadeen decided.


The Silver Tiger's hold could not have been large enough to house five of the transports, but when they finally entered, it was to the sight of everything, including the Warforged battalion, on deck.

"Spatial expansion is an expensive affair," Sadeen admitted, "but wealth is the one thing the Mishala Clan doesn't lack."

Eli'Theria was directed into a different hangar, where other Colossi, lesser to be sure, were docked. Yuriko didn't think Koinos, or even Certus, Colossi even had animating spirits, and the one above that one, an Evgenis Colossus, she hadn't even seen a single unit. Eli'Theria was a Vasi, a grade above the Evgenis…but actually, that was only her current form. When she bound the Orb of Authority, she learned that as she advanced through the Ancient's Way, she could similarly strengthen the Colossus. Not without cost, and not until she reached Manifestation.

Transformation was feeling close, however, as there were only a few more things she had to complete. Radiant Body Refinement and Radian Anima Refinement. The latter was at less than 10%, but the process had been ongoing nearly subconsciously. The first was at 80%, and the last ten shouldn't take much longer. She had to get to perfection before she advanced, but she could then focus on Anima Refinement once she hit ninety.

Instinctively, she knew that she could reach 95% as just a matter of time, having already gotten several insights on the process. One of which was the lightning temperance.

She sighed when she realised the last bit she probably needed.

Her Mien was a part of her body and Anima, but she'd been treating it as something unwelcome and separate. As she closed in on perfected refinement, she realised that she could not cut away parts of her lineage. All must work together or there will always be a gap.

Besides, once she could actually control it, her Mien was actually quite useful… She shuddered at the thought. She didn't like imposing her Will on others, but part of control should be how to minimise its effects. She knew Mum could do it, even if she rarely did.

Once Eli'Theria was seated on a throne, the both of them got out. They were greeted by a familiar woman leading an entourage. There were other familiar faces too, and Yuriko gasped in recognition.

Aunt Kiyo, her first Sorcery instructor back while she was still studying in Sharom Academy, who had kept a secret eye on her, waved from behind the captain, with a wide grin. And behind her was cousin Miya of all people. At least she hadn't brought her boy toys with her. Unless they were in their quarters?

Her cousin had grown more buxom since nearly two years ago, with the famed Mishala beauty. Her Mien was stronger, too, but when it touched Yuriko's and Sadeen's, it seemed to wilt. Only the three of them had active Miens, being of the main lineage, and thanks to Damien's recovered memories, inherited from the Progenitor's true nature as a Primordial Heart Incarnation.

Severed Heart Incarnation. Misha is no longer connected in any shape or form, through body or Anima, to the Primordial. She is her own self. Damien murmured sleepily.

Which hopefully meant that the entire Mishala Clan isn't vulnerable to being controlled by that Primordial…

Miya nodded at her, but most of her attention was on Sadeen. She, and the rest of the entourage along with the captain, curtsied.

"Thank you for your prompt return, captain," Sadeen said as she alighted. Yuriko landed slightly behind her Mum, and to her left. She sighed as she pulled the control armour into her Anima, which simultaneously popped her normal clothes back on. She reached into Eli'Theria's cargo compartment, which was situated near her waist, and retrieved her things.

While Sadeen spoke with the captain, her cousin and aunt walked over to her, with Miya giving her a head-to-toe stare.

"You've grown in more ways than one," Miya said softly, "and yet you still ran from duty."

Yuriko glared back, and Aunt Kiyo waved placatingly. "Now, now. Miya, Yuriko's choices are her own. She wasn't brought up in Aerule Garden, you know that."

Miya sniffed, "I know, and I envy it."

Yuriko blinked at Miya's lightning-quick temperament change. She hadn't been like that before, and she had been the epitome of poise. On the surface, at least.

"What are you doing here?"

She directed the question to both, but her cousin took offence, even though Yuriko kept her tone neutral.

"I can go wherever I wish, thank you very much. Besides, this is a Mishala vessel," Miya said sharply.

"Er, I was merely surprised by your presence," Yuriko said.

"Ahahaha." Kiyo giggled nervously. "Well, we're both, er, shall we say, on a life discovery mission." Then she grinned savagely, "Little Miya here has incited quite the riot amongst the eligible young bachelors…" Miya scowled and her hand darted to pinch Kiyo's side, and amidst her squeals, Kiyo managed to keep going, "And…more to the point, ow ow ow! The eligible maidens petitioned the Imperial Court to send her on a…ow ow ow! Ahahaha, on a journey of discovery where she could," Kiyo quoted, "'enlighten the rural boys and show them the glories of the Empire'! Ahahahaha! Ow!"

By that point, Miya had pinched both of Kiyo's sides and rotated her wrist nearly all the way around. Yuriko goggled at them and she swore she could hear Miya's teeth grinding. The other officers of the captain's entourage had reddened faces and were clearly suppressing their giggles.

"Aaaaunnnt Kiiiiyoooo!" Miya howled, and at that, Yuriko broke into giggles.

After a few minutes of the girl fuming, the three of them were distracted by Kiyo's shenanigans when Virgil and the rest of the group disembarked from their landcraft. The marines were agog at the officers, most of whom had some bit of Mishala blood in them, making them far more…er, attractive than average. There were also at least twice as many women as men in the crew, even the ordinary sailors.

Kiyo and Miya tagged along behind Yuriko, with her cousin still growling at Kiyo's reveal. Her cheeks were painted a charming pink, and it didn't fail to draw eyes from the marines, the Haveenians and the beastkin. The Karcellians looked a bit out of it…actually, they were being carried on stretchers by healers. Yuriko surreptitiously checked their conditions but found that they had only fainted. She didn't realise that while she was aboard Eli'Theria. The Amplifier increased her Anima reach and strength, but it did nothing for perceptiveness and finesse.

"Hmmm, who are those cuties?" Miya murmured when she caught sight of the boys in Yuriko's group as well as the ruggedly handsome beastkin. Yuriko felt a sudden jolt of possessiveness, which was so unusual that she froze. What in the Abyss?

"Oh! I recognise them!" Kiyo said, then she zeroed in on Orrin, who had been in Sharom with Yuriko, hence one of the cat-eyed woman's former pupils, as well as the antennae sticking out of his forehead. "What happened to him?"

"Abducted by Femorants, brought to a Chaos lake and almost changed. Well, he was changed, but not in a major way," Yuriko said. "I've examined his antennae and they have become part of his Anima."

"Hmmm." Kiyo looked at Sadeen, who was still conversing with the captain, although they had begun to move towards the bridge. "Your mother didn't do anything?"

"We were too busy," Yuriko admitted. "I think she checked but didn't take any action."

"Well, she doesn't have access to the proper equipment. I'll bring him to the examination room." Kiyo marched right over and overrode the boys' greetings. She grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him along, followed by a nervous-looking Braden. Heron and Gwendith approached Yuriko and Miya, their eyes darting between the two of them.

"So, your attendants?" Miya asked in a low voice. "I don't see the marks of Aspiration."

"My friends," Yuriko answered quickly. Her cousin just raised an eyebrow but didn't pursue the matter.

"This is my cousin, Miya Mishala." She introduced Heron and Gwendith, who both smiled and shook hands. "Want a tour of the ship?" Yuriko asked, and they gladly agreed.

Except Yuriko got lost. The chambers and tunnels moved at need after all, and with a giggling Miya, as well as the rest of Yuriko's group, they were eventually found by the ship's steward and directed to their quarters.

She ended up in a large suite next to her parents, and from there, she took a nice, long bath, and settled to rest. Before she got dressed, she felt the ship move, and through the display panels, she saw the Chaos flows speed by.

They were finally going back home. Yuriko sighed in satisfaction. But a niggle of doubt and worry wormed its way into her heart. Eli'Theria was powerful, but she didn't know the Colossus was enough to match the Chaos Duke, who was even stronger than her Mum. The only saving grace was that they were likely to fight in the confines of the plane giving them that slight bit of chance.

From what She Who Whispers in the Light said, that Chaos Duke was a tricky opponent. Patient and cunning, and willing to wait for the perfect time. Centuries had passed since the Whisperer had been bound, and from what she vaguely remembered of Annise Delovine's tale, her encounter with that nefarious schemer had happened in her twenties, but it wasn't until several decades later that the bite of that bargain had been felt.

But now it seemed that all the pieces were in place. With the planar guardian dead, there was one less hindrance to the Duke who had made his moves, but what hidden pieces were left in place, for the inevitable conflict?

All at once the worries intensified and Yuriko shuddered with dread. But no, she couldn't give in to imagined fears, not when the real thing might be worse.

She shook her head and got dressed. All thoughts of sleeping and resting were gone. She left the suite to head to the hangar to familiarise herself with the Colossus' workings. Their victory and safety rested on her readiness, and the weight of those expectations was stifling.