Book 15-6.2: In the Line of Fire

On her roadhog, Yuriko circled around a large portion of Junktown, going from one borough to another. Her perception aura still caught a few bounty hunters lingering around. Her current reach, even with forty nine paces of it occupied by Damien's memories, was at two hundred and forty one paces. She could triple that with her perception range but that would mean gaps in her perception. If she was looking specifically for something, that would be fine, but since she wasn't sure where her stalkers were, leaving a gap would be foolish. Still, within a diameter of nearly half a longstride, she could see about a dozen groups trying to look for her.

The problem was that they showed up as gaps in her perception aura because of their 'Chronian Gear. Other civilians show up the same way, so the only way she could distinguish them from each other was how they moved. It was the other reason it took her so long to lose her tail.

At that point, in Astoria, Yuriko had already left Mama Louie's and had arrived at Macy's for her shift. She put on her uniform and dove right into work. Most of her shift was occupied with the same task of cleaning and entertaining kids in the toy department. She had a few repeat customers, kids who loved playing tag while she worked, and she noticed a few people taking pictures and videos of her dance.

Halfway into her shift, her true body finally reached Gwendith, Ryoko, and Devotee's hiding place. It was a small apartment building with three storeys. The top floor was unlivable considering that half of the roof had collapsed. The ground and first floors were intact though the eastern side of the building had a big hole in it. The place wasn't too big, probably thirty paces to a side. She parked her roadhog a couple of blocks away and walked the rest of the way.

She leapt up the hole five paces from the ground, and walked through the ruined room into the hallway. The room labels were gone, probably scavenged away. The building's hallways was a basic cross with the central intersection also the stairwell. The stairs were impassable, however, with rubble from the second floor, the top floor, covering it.

She already touched Gwendith's Anima with hers, and she felt her lover's joy at her presence. Yuriko couldn't help but smile, and even her incarnation body was radiating joy like a heatwave. Gwendith rushed out of the room and into the hallway, then ran straight into Yuriko's arms.

"You're here!" Gwendith gushed right before kissing her fiercely.

"Gwen…wait!" Yuriko protested as her lover's hands started to roam. "I'm filthy with dust."

"Oh, I know," Gwendith giggled. "Come on, I'll get you clean, then we can get you dirty again! Hie hie!"

Back in Astoria, Yuriko realised that each body's libido must be satisfied separately. Her true body's reunion with Gwendith left her both incredibly frustrated, yet satisfied at the same time. Ancestors!

By the time her shift ended at Macy's, her face was flushed and she was panting heavily. The idea of touching herself to soothe her burning need bounced around in her head. She wasn't about to drag just anyone to her bed after all. Even if she did, her World Trial's third incarnation already showed her how fundamentally unsatisfying that would be for her. Doing it with just anyone because she happened to be horny was a big no-no. Besides, she didn't want to inadvertently create an army of thralls.

Her true body wound up spending the entire afternoon and early evening making Gwendith squeal with pleasure, and just as much time writhing underneath the smaller girl. Her incarnation body secluded herself in her room and discovered the pitfalls of self service as well as the wonders of the network that was called pornography.

The next day, Yuriko-Lilibeth woke up early, had a quick breakfast, then spent the dawn running with Nessa. After she returned the dog to her yard, she sent a message to Mrs. Wilcox, informing the matron of the job done, as well as the request for payment. Lilibeth had opened a bank account that wasn't in her family's Bank of Astoria, but in a rival banking institution called Farmer's Bank. The once rural bank had expanded aggressively from the center regions of Republic of Astoria after it was put together by a cooperative of farmers during a heavy drought some decades ago. The current economic climate had been helpful to the bank and while they didn't have the Bank of Astoria's reach and reputation, they made up for it with incredibly friendly service and competitive products. At least, that was what Lilibeth researched back then. She had a simple savings account that held most of her spare Torries and was also where most of her wages were funneled into.

"I should hold more cash instead of leaving it all in an institution," Yuriko muttered. Her true body's bank account had been frozen by the Gate Consortium and was effectively out of reach. The reason was flimsy at best, and Gwendith had been livid when it happened to all of their bank accounts.

There's little reason to abide by societal conventions when those at the top openly flaunt their disregard.

In her true body, Yuriko seethed with irritation and annoyance, and the only thing stopping her from beginning a rampage was that there were millions, maybe even billions of relatively innocent lives that relied on the mega corporations for their lives. Dragon Fall City was a wasteland and nothing grew there easily, certainly not enough to provide for all the warm bodies living within its borders.

Gwendith and Heron, not to mention Saki who'd been prowling around the upper levels of the mega buildings and the corporations, told her a bit about the realities of living in Dragon Fall. Ah, Heron arrived in the evening, but seeing as she and Gwendith had been busy, he settled in another room. He took his turn around midnight when Gwendith had been wrung out and exhausted.

It was early morning and the three of them went about their morning training routine, and only afterwards did Yuriko speak about what she happened upon underneath the mountains.

"Wait, so you're telling us that there's more of you now?" Gwendith asked incredulously.

"Yeah, but my other body isn't here."

"So what's it like?" Heron asked curiously.

"Like having two bodies at the same time," Yuriko commented drily. "I am both; I see, hear, and think with both bodies, and can independently control them. I can isolate my thoughts to either body. I'm talking to you now while the other me is running with a dog."

"Woof!" Fluffington suddenly barked and gave her a betrayed look. Yuriko chuckled and rubbed his head.

"It's just a job," Yuriko said. "My incarnation took over a dying woman's body that was left on the brink after she enacted a ritual to summon a daemon."

"So, what happened to that woman?" Gwendith asked.

"She died and there's no trace left of her Anima except for the memories I captured before they faded. I'm in the process of reforging the body into what it should be," Yuriko said.

"That's somewhat disturbing," Heron said.

"I know, but Lilibeth would have died anyway. Actually, she's dead, and I'm just using her identity."

"Hoh, you don't seem so sure of yourself, my love," Gwendith murmured.

"I'm not denying the strangeness and the gruesome feel of taking over a dead woman's life," Yuriko admitted, "but it's better than nothing."

"I suppose," Heron murmured. "You have her memories, then…you should at least make sure her family is taken care of."

Yuriko snorted derisively. "Her family? She left them because they were too overbearing. They're like the corpos here."

"Oh." Heron frowned. "Then I don't know what to say. Perhaps make sure Lilibeth's dreams are fulfilled?"

"I will try. I owe her the body after all," Yuriko conceded. "But, tell me of your contact with the Conclave of Authority? I met another Ancient under the mountain, Johann Larson. He said that he was part of the Conclave of Technocracy, and that the Conclave of Authority is merely the ruling council of an Ancient organisation?"

"Were they?" Heron huffed. "I guess that makes sense in light of some things." He looked at Gwendith and frowned. "You know the Ancient that attacked you a while back? That man was part of the Conclave branch here."

Gwendith growled. "And why did he attack me? Was it because of what Saki did?"

Heron nodded. "Yes, but also no. Once they knew that we were here, and they knew we're Ancients because of the Circle we met in Braxxon Ruin."

Yuriko asked, "Do they know about me?"

"No." Heron smiled. "And I think they shouldn't know about you. If they do, there's going to be trouble?"


"You're too strong," Heron said. "You're already in Transformation, and apparently, while people reach Actualisation in their thirties on average, most don't until their forties or fifties, if they ever do. Anyone who reached Transformation, do so after their first century."

Yuriko pouted. "That's so long. You mean nobody? Really? But we don't age, so how would they even know?"

Heron grunted. "The Anima, of course. With practice, most can tell one's true age through the feel of their Anima, and those who are more experienced can more than just age. They can know what your Ennoias are, how condensed you can make your Anima, and what your true reach could be like. The branch leader, Emmanuel Silva, revealed as much." Then he frowned and looked like he was about to spit in disgust, "But that man is as slimy as an eel."

"Why?" Yuriko asked. "Is he in Transformation too? Or higher?"

"No, he's on the same level as myself and Gwendith. So's the other guy, Raphael Erser."

"Hoh, then what's the problem?"

"There are factions in Ancient politics." Heron shuddered. "Silva wanted me to sign on under his command."

Yuriko frowned, then grabbed Heron's arm. "You're mine."

Heron blushed then grinned sloppily. "I know."

Yuriko nodded, then her cheeks coloured at her possessiveness. That was…unusual. Shaking her head, she asked, "So, what happened after you rejected him?"

"Hmm, oh I didn't say no, and I didn't agree either. No need to make the man an enemy without reason."

"He already had his compatriot attack," Gwendith said sourly.

"Yes, but do you intend to kill both of them?" Heron asked both Yuriko and Gwendith.

"Maybe," Yuriko answered. "Depends if I feel like it."

Heron smirked. "You probably won't, you know. You're too proud to kill someone too weak."

"Hmm, yes." Yuriko sighed. "But that doesn't mean I won't replace his blood with terror if he annoys me. And the fact that they attacked Gwendith while trying to poach you is irritating."

Gwendith leaned and pressed her bosom on Yuriko's arm while stroking and squeezing her hand. "They don't know about you. Or they think you're the same as us."

Heron agreed. "Leave them to us. We can't have you solving all of our problems. More importantly, I've found a way to go to the next floor."

He explained his contact named Ilvara Erdmann who'd contacted him while he fought in one of the illegal arenas.

"They're looking for mercenaries to help Millenium State Conglomerate in their exploration of the floor below. There's a test of merc groups and I think we should take it. We can explore and progress that way."

Yuriko nodded absently. With her incarnation, she could delve and climb the tower at the same time, or so she hoped. Would she be able to follow her companions or would the tower for her to split off another incarnation? Would she be forced to stay in Dragon Fall City? After all, returning to the Gate Consortium tower would be a bit complicated considering everything that happened. Unless, of course, she fixed things. Well, she should at least get rid of the rotter who put a hit on her and the others.

"Saki," Yuriko called for her handmaiden. Heron and Gwendith stopped discussing and waited for her, but she just waved at them to continue. Saki entered the room a moment later and bowed to her. "Do you know who's responsible for the bounty hunters?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Why haven't you killed them?"

Saki bowed. "They're under heavy guard."

Yuriko hummed, then said, "Fine, lead me to them."

Heron and Gwendith exchanged glances.

"Are you sure you want to act openly? It would complicate things," Heron said.

"What do you suggest, then?"

He smiled. "Why don't we let Milstate handle it. If we affiliate our mercenary group…"

"No," Yuriko interrupted. "I won't rely on someone else for this." She grinned. "I made a new Phase of the Sword, and it's about time to test it properly."

Heron snorted, then nodded. "Then at least make sure they don't identify you easily."

Yuriko just shrugged. "Get me a full body disguise then."
