The ARtrack train left the station, and it would take half the day to reach the country's middle states. Yuriko wasn't sure where they were going, and Lilibeth's grasp of geography was sadly lacking. She hadn't had the time to read up on it either, having thought that she would stay around the eastern seaboard. At the moment, she and the other cast members, along with the silent cameramen, and the show's producer-slash-director, were in the viewing car.
The first ten minutes of the ride involved the train leaving the station, heading west. Soon, the track descended into a tunnel that crossed the river, and after half an hour, they were cruising along the countryside. Based on how fast the scenery flashed by, the train was travelling at around a couple of hundred longstrides an hour.
The viewing car had two decks and they were on the upper one. The entire side of the car and half of the ceiling were clear, beautiful glass, and let in the midmorning sunlight. She could feel her Radiant reserves slowly filling up, so she diverted most of it to refining her physique. She was close to a full conversion and she was more herself than Lilibeth now. Traces remained, and perhaps it was because the two of them had similar enough features that anyone who knew either of her identities would be able to recognise her after some effort.
The viewing car was also the dining car, but lunch wasn't served just yet. Instead, she and the other five cast members were going through an icebreaker. The director, Joe Hopper, a middle-aged man with greying black hair and intense brown eyes, sat at the head of the table, grinning at all of them.
"Well, welcome to 'Luvblooms', and I hope some of you form a romantic relationship during the filming. Nothing forced, I hope, but it's ultimately up to the six of you. Now, I know some of you know others professionally, but let's all introduce ourselves, hmm? The next five or so hours before we reach Jiran County. A bus will be there to take us to Hotel De Lune." His smirk widened so that his lips almost reached his ears. "Ah, you've heard of it?" He nodded to Michael Stonereiz.
Michael, for his part, snorted roughly. "Hotel De Lune? Who hasn't heard of it? Idiots built over a mass grave from the Great Unification War and what did they expect? Prosperity?"
"Right, right. Rumours and superstition. Nothing caught on camera over the past decades after the place was abandoned. Oh, don't worry, we aren't going on a ghost hunt. Just a little adventure and tests of courage, hie hie. Anywho, go ahead with the intros. Tell us your name and something unique about you. Mister Stonereiz, please."
"Ah," Michael coughed into his fist.
The boys were on one side of the table while the three girls were on the opposite. Yuriko wound up in the middle, and directly across her was the third young man she didn't know.
"Michael Stonereiz. Nice to meet all of you, ah, I already know Miss Lawson, of course, since we're in the same college, and er, she started her career in my art class. Ah, something unique, well, I'm nineteen and I've had three art exhibits already, the latest one will open in Grand Central Gallery next Sunsday, on Mid-Fire 20."
The two girls gave Yuriko a side glance, and she just shrugged.
"On the twentieth, eh?" Director Hopper said. "Hope it goes well. Nex, Miss Clearhart?" He nodded towards the girl on his right, the tanned and voluptuous brunette.
"Christine Clearhart, yes a pseudonym, no, I won't tell you my real name, half of it's real anyway. Yes, it's Christine. Chris, if you prefer," she said. Christine's voice was melodic and had a certain cadence to it. "I'm the lead singer for Rolling Thunder; we're a rock band. Our agent picked me for this show and here I am." Christine ended her introduction by taking her glass of orange juice and sipping it. When Joe and the others kept staring at her, she looked pointedly at the man across from Yuriko and said, "I'm done."
"Alright then, Mister, ah sorry, Doctor Dunn?"
"Alexis Dunn," he answered with a dull voice, "graduated from NPU four years ago, graduated from NPMU two years ago. I finished my internship last year and I'm in my residency for neurosurgery. My family forced me to take a break and find a girlfriend, and my uncle put me in this show. Ah, I'm twenty, by the way," he continued in a more upbeat, but still rather stilted tone, "I'm a well-adjusted young man who's driven to succeed. I can cook, paint, and I know how to balance a chequebook."
"Hmm, I guess the last one's the most impressive," Joe Hopper said with not an ORen of sarcasm. He turned to Yuriko and said, "Miss Lawson."
Yuriko hummed. "Lilibeth Lawson. I'm eighteen, and I'm a rookie model and, well, actress, I guess." She combed her fringe over her ear. Her hair was loose and fell below her shoulders, "I'm in Journalism, but I'm honestly thinking of shifting. Hmm, what else? Oh, I like training."
"Training for what?" Doctor Dunn asked curiously.
"To keep fit." Yuriko smiled, and while the young man didn't blush, he did avert his eyes bashfully. He had a button nose and intense eyes, quite endearing.
She nodded to Joe and he pointed at the third young woman, "Miss Thorn?"
"Hi!" the bubbly girl said. "I'm Haley Thorn and I'm a content creator for MyTube! I make reaction videos of cool or crappy stuff and events and I'm here cuz somebody entered my name in the contest, you picked me, and I thought, 'Why not, eh?' Uhm, I guess that's it, oh I like sweet things and I don't like running around." She gave Yuriko a side eye, then continued. "But I guess we all got to keep in shape somehow! I do some kickboxing anyway. Aerobic!"
"Quite lively, Mister Russell?"
"Ah, Zachary Russell, pleasure to meet all of you," Zachary said. "I'm an actor, I've been in the business for a decade. Yes, I was in Home Invaders One and Two. I like watching movies and theatre plays, which is why I'm in this career, and uhm, I'm in this show since my agent said I needed a boost, so here I am."
"Excellent!" Joe Hopper said. "Now, I know it's a bit early, but none of you are under eighteen so, wanna play a drinking game? Truth or dare? Spin the bottle? Stuff like that? Or are you six boring and would prefer a card game?"
Yuriko said, "It's a bit too early to drink. I wouldn't mind a card game, but how about we enjoy the scenery and just chat?"
Joe tilted his head, then laughed. "Right-o then, I'll leave you all to it. Once we get to Jiran and Hotel De Lune, we'll begin the program. You can decide your pairings then, or if you prefer random, you can draw lots." Chuckling good-naturedly, he left the table.
As soon as he did, Michael turned to Yuriko and asked, somewhat anxiously, "Is he still bothering you? We kicked him out of the team…"
Yuriko blinked innocently. "No, I haven't heard nor seen him since then. Thanks again for your help."
"Ooh, ooh! What happened? Can you tell us?" Bubbly Haley asked as she pressed up against Yuriko's side. "If it's not too private?" She continued in a whiny but nonetheless cute tone.
Yuriko shrugged. "Just an ex that wouldn't leave me alone."
She nudged Haley so she could get out of the table and wandered over to the viewing seats, which allowed the seater to face the window and the view rather than facing front or back. Michael sat next to her, and while the others paired off, she noticed that both Alexis and Zachary looked like they wanted to sit next to her. Haley didn't seem to mind, but Christine flashed an annoyed expression for a moment.
Yuriko crossed her ankles underneath the chair, laid her hands demurely on her lap, and gazed out into the countryside. The bright sunlight was invigorating, but she noticed the warmth was unpleasant for Michael. The train was air conditioned, but that didn't stop the direct rays from feeling warm.
The two of them chatted idly, with Michael speaking about their shared experiences in college. "You're joining Flowers of the Wild Sorority?" he asked. "I didn't think you'd enjoy it with your active lifestyle."
"Well, Emma was a member and she recommended it to me."
"Your elder sis?"
"Yeah. We've been corresponding over messages since her party," Yuriko said casually.
After an hour's chitchat, one of the cameramen indicated that it was time to shift partners. Michael stood up and allowed Alexis Dunn to take his place. The quiet young man just nodded at her and the two of them watched the passing scenery amiably. Every now and then, their elbows brushed and some kind of tingle danced over her skin. It was a pleasant feeling, and she supposed it was the result of static electricity from his boots rubbing against the carpet. He apologised every time both of them got zapped and she laughed it off.
A quiet hour was just as appreciated as interesting conversation, especially since she enjoyed watching the view. Astoria was a beautiful country and longstrides of orchards and fields, not to mention the view of the mountains, the Astorian Spine as it was called, was breathtaking. The Spine bisected Northern Astoria into its west and east halves, then it went down the narrow land bridge that connected the northern and southern continent before it did the same with Southern Astoria. That entire continent was filled with jungles and rivers, Yuriko heard, and aside from incredible biodiversity, was also a hotbed of criminal activity. Or rather, it was where criminals from Northern Astoria fled to hide from justice. Well, they fled towards the centre. The coastline on either seaboard was teeming with life, tourism, and capitalism.
The last man, Zachary, spent most of his hour of chitchat rambling about his life as a child actor. It was interesting at times, but he focused more on the drawbacks than the advantages. He also spoke about their shared drama, but since Yuriko was only a minor character, there was little beyond that. Or at least, that's what she thought.
"The producers want more of you," Zachary said. "I think they wrote a storyline for your character."
Yuriko grinned. "Did they give me a name other than extra girl three?"
"Hah! Yeah, I think so. We'll find out soon."
"Hmmm, I suppose. I don't mind acting with you, even if you're the cause of so many takes." Yuriko giggled.
"Me?" he muttered. "It's because of you! Who can concentrate within sight of such charming beauty."
Yuriko smiled thinly, then said, "Someone dedicated to their craft."
"Oh, I suppose." He chuckled so awkwardly that Yuriko had to laugh, which put him at ease.
The last couple of hours before they reached Jiran Station had the cast members rest and freshen up. Yuriko took a quick nap, and by the time she emerged from her cabin, they had arrived.
Emma Lawson's phone rang twice before she picked it up and answered it.
Her voice was even and cold, as it usually was unless she looked at or spoke to her little sister. Not so little now. Her Alteration gave her several inches of height, and while Emma would have preferred Lilibeth to remain cuddly, her current looks were just too perfect. She'd be the one cuddle instead, and she couldn't find it in her to protest that. Now if only she weren't so busy these days. Arranging things behind the scenes wasn't much of a problem but she'd honestly like the recognition and gratitude. She had an inkling that she'd need every edge in order to get her way.
"You didn't." Emma's voice grew colder once she registered what Grandpa said. "Admitting it was independent action isn't any better, Gramps. Yeah, I'll do damage control, you better hope nothing happens to Lily. Yeah, yeah, we all want her, that's old news. Fine, I apologise for my tone. Goodbye, Grandfather."
It took all of her not to toss the smartphone at the wall.
"No, Emma. It's just the messenger."
Now she had to wonder if shooting someone's brains out while on live TV was worth it.