Chapter 1: Mire


The sound of cicadas were one of the few things that soothed his mind when he wasn't sure on what to do. Jun was sitting on the edge of his bed as he eyed his bags, filled with clothes and swimwear, his googles laying on his bed, letting out an annoyed sigh he'd stare at his phone, then at the worn photo.

Among the sounds of cicadas, he'd hear footsteps, thumping onto the wooden floors of their small home, he could feel the footsteps getting closer, and as the door swung open, he'd be met with the smug grin of his younger sister, her blonde hair tied to a bun, a few strands of hair draped over her forehead.

"Hey there." She greeted, leaning on the door frame. Her eyes went to the packed bag. And her grin formed into a smile. "Someone is ready~" She giggled as she entered the room, sitting on the chair near his desk.

Jun feigned a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, Ready." He'd tuck the picture he was staring at in his back pocket, he'd notice the grin on his sister's face vanished and was replaced by a concerned smile.

"You know for someone who looked forward to this trip, you don't seem all that excited, is something wrong?" She tilted her head, inquiringly.

"Nah, just school being annoying, Lil ... don't worry about it." He chuckled a bit. He stood up and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he'd walk past his sister. "Right let's go?"

His little sister chuckled back, grabbing her own bag from the outside of his room. "Right, come on." She'd walkout the room first letting him close the door, but before he did, he catches glimpse of something odd, something flew across the night sky, he wasn't sure what it was but he placed it on the back of his head as they made their way across the dimly lit hallway.

"So. . . what do you plan to do once we arrive at Santa Monica?" She asked.

Jun pondered for a moment, before answering, what was he going to do there? He wasn't the type to enjoy bathing in the sun, nor was he the type to go swimming, this entire trip was his idea, but it he never actually thought of what he'll do.

"Probably just . . . walk around the beach? swim maybe." He replied halfheartedly. To which his sister somehow managed to pick up on, he'd hear a chuckle coming from behind him, looking back his sister wore a teasing expression, her lips stretched in a smile and her eyes squinted.

"Are you sure you're not just gonna hide in the hotel room again?" She poked his cheek, earning a small groan from the young man, he'd sigh audibly before scratching away at his dirty blonde hair.

"How did you even come to that conclusion?" He asked.

"I meaaaan...never-mind, I hope you actually do come for a swim this time. " She teased before walking ahead of him this time, taking a peak over the balcony.

Jun joined her shortly, as they watched their parents talking, their father was visibly excited for the trip, eagerly waiting by the door for his children while the mother was making phone calls, she'd smile as she saw Jun and Lily over the railings and waved at them, beckoning them to come on down.

Lily went on first, skipping down the flight of steps, over down to the sofa where their mother was.

Jun followed shortly, his eyes going to the car outside and their father loading some luggage in, while Lily was now on the sofa as their mother hung up her phone with an audible beep.

"Right, that's at least a week off from work, are you two excited?" She asked her children with a wide smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Lily.

Lily nod her head. "It's been a while since the four of us had time, so yeah." She said placing her bag on the sofa, she eyed the TV as the news continued to talk about the ongoing conflicts elsewhere.

Jun sat opposite of them, nodding to his mother as he eyed the TV as well. "More of the same. . . " He muttered. He himself didn't enjoy these kinds of stories, seeing the death-toll between the ongoing war between Korea and The United States.

His mother noticed his words, and broke away from her daughter, making her way to her son, placing a hand on his head giving him a reassuring smile before their father walked in.

His voice booming with excitement.

"Alright, you guys ready?" A smile was on his face for a moment before it vanished, noticing the news, he'd sigh. "Come on, let's get into the car, forget about the problems of the world for a week?"

The mother returned the smile before heading to the kitchen. "Alright, Lily, Jun you two head outside, Dear can you pick out some snacks while I go set up security?"

The father let out a comical sigh and his wide grin returned. "Comin' Right up, Honey."

Lily went on outside as instructed, and Jun would follow after turning off the TV, whilst their parents would head inside, the two siblings went out and placed their bags in the car.

And to his surprise, Lily would grab him by the sleeve of his jacket, beckoning him to the house adjacent to them, There was a husband and a wife arguing, their voices muffled by the walls of their house and the sound of the cicadas that were outside.

A grin was on Lily's lips again. "Waddaya think they're arguing about?" she asked as she got into the backseat of their Honda Accord, placing her bag on her lap.

Jun would place his bag in first, but placed his elbow on the roof of the car, staring intently at the husband and wife that were arguing, he couldn't make out what they were saying but he could see a bag of groceries scattered on the floor. He followed inside, sitting beside his sister.

"Dunno, can't hear them, maybe if they scream louder I could tell you." He jokingly said as he closed the door behind him.

"I swear though, they never fight... what could have happened?" She ponders as she stared out of the car's windows.

"Regardless, it should blow over." Jun replied as he laid back on the seat, looking to their house, he'd see his Mother walking over, her purse undoubtedly filled with her essentials dangling by her shoulder, her arms carrying two bags of Lays potato chips, their father was locking the door, by his foot was a bag of assorted crackers, and even a bag of Jack Link's beef jerky.

'That's gonna smell. . .' Jun thought to himself as a small smile crept on his lips. He never understood why Beef jerky tastes good but leaves a bad aftertaste.

But eventually his thoughts just drifted elsewhere as he prepared his body for the two day drive all the way to Los Angeles.

"Hey kiddos." Their mom said, taking the front seat of the car, placing the chips in between her seat and the driver's seat, near the small compartment where they usually place their bottles of water. "Ready for the trip?" She smiled at them, the two siblings nodded, Lily enthusiastically, while Jun slightly off.

Their father joined them in the car, placing the bag of jerky between the bag of chips, strapping his seat belt on before turning on the ignition. "You guys forget anything? phones? books?"

Lily checked her bag, and shook her head. "Nope, everything's here."

Jun did the same, and noticed he had something odd in his bag, a small survival guide that he'd packed in when he went camping with his friends a while back, while odd he paid it no mind, shaking his head. "Same, all clear dad." He replied. . .

But that was probably one of the last things he ever expected to be proven wrong. . .

Jun thought, as he walked down a desolate road, filled with rows upon rows of cars, devoid of the people that once owned them, his footsteps making a 'Crunch' sound as he stepped on pebbles and asphalt that was blasted off the ground, He looked up, seeing the sun was still high in the sky.

"More of the same. . ." He mumbled to himself, kneeling down and opening his pack, taking out one of the three bottles of water, two of which were already empty, and the last one half empty of it's contents. He'd take a quick sip before tucking it back into the front compartment, zipping up his pack before standing up and continuing his trek down the ruined highway that was once a buzzing interstate road.

The thought somehow gave him shivers despite the heat. The empty streets were something he could never get used too, especially given where he was.

Jun would take a deep breath, and sat back down in between two cars, using the shadow they cast as shade, leaning against the rusted red car, he'd look up the sky still clear as it was the day he went to L.A for the last time with his family.

The warm sun kissing his dirt caked face, the warm summer breeze wrapping him in an embrace, Jun found himself closing his eyes once again, and once again he'd shake himself awake, Now wasn't the time to start sleeping again. He'd find solace within his hoodie, and placing his hand on a small book, two actually.

'Survivalist's guide to the apocalypse' and ' Scouts guide to survival-ism '

Dumb books, he never thought would be so important to his current well-being, he'd pick the thicker, yellow book, 'Survivalist's guide to the apocalypse' to be exact. He'd flip a few pages of the worn paper-back book.

He'd eye a few interesting pages, the pages were worn, some even ripped, he'd laugh ironically as some of the words barely applied to him.

'Always move at day, never at night'

He silently read, but his thoughts were else were, the world was different, yet the rules of nature still stood firm, He learned the hard way not to traverse the roads at night, the night was cold, dark and visible was low, but people have learned that the desperate tend to start looting at night. He'd eye the small sticker on the cover of the book, a rabbit, holding a carrot in it's small cartoonish paw, the name 'Lily' inscribed on the small name tag under it.

With a sigh he'd turn the page again, this time it entailed how to make your own bow out of PVC and some string, and arrows made of sharpened sticks, as well as how to make a makeshift crossbow, he'd wonder why his younger sister had this book, but he was thankful nonetheless.

Refreshed, he'd stand up again, shoving the book into his pack before taking stock of his belongings, all he had were a bunch of beef jerky, a spare hoodie, and most importantly, his father's old Smith and Wesson SD9, which he called a glock as a kid, but now it was important he remembered the weapon's name as it was his sole companion on his journey home.

Taking it out he'd inspect his munitions, aside from the half empty Magazine he had, he had two spares filled with 16 bullets each, and a spare box of Fort Scott munitions he found while looting a dead police officer a few days ago. . . He thought about that for a brief second, but shook it off, he pressed on the magazine release, releasing the magazine within the gun, and he pulled on the slide to check the chamber.

There was 6 bullets in the mag, and one in the chamber, he'd allow the chambered round to hit the ground as he let the action slide back into place, he'd pick it up and load it back on the magazine, Jun would also pick out nine bullets, placing them into the mag before placing it back into the mag well, pulling on the slide to chamber a round, placing it onto his makeshift holster on his leg instead of placing it back in his pack, he'd then place the box of bullets into his pack, under his spare hoodie.

He'd stand up now, slinging his pack over his shoulders before taking a brief pause.

Before him was a small town, judging by where he was , this would be Kernville, California. He'd place his hood over his head and slowly made his way into the town, weaving between the small homes, he'd peak inside of one, noting the lived in look of the small home, he'd spot a mattress and an oil lamp, He'd look around before drawing his gun, squatting down low and leaning against the wall, listening for any form of movement, footsteps, crawling, even the heaving up and down of someone's chest. . . well not the latter one as he can barely detect anything as it is, but as he thought of this, he saw something odd, there was a puddle of fresh blood inside the house, pooling near the front door, he gulped audibly.

But it was then he'd hear something, crunching of the leaves as something was on the other side of the wall just beside him... It was fear that crept up his spine, fear that he was alone that began this, but now that he wasn't he felt terrified, He'd take a deep breath. . gripping the gun with two hands, his finger wrapped around the trigger.

He was shaking as he slowly rounded the corner, and he was met by a large German shepherd, it's black fur still rather clean despite the dog's aged look, he was whimpering, and when it noticed Jun it would tilt his head.

Jun kept his gun trained on the dog. . . as he raised a hand signalling he meant no harm, the dog made it's way to him, lowering it's head, Jun walked over cautiously and he pat the dog's head, to the dog's credit it nuzzled against his hand, the dog was domesticated, rather than the mutts he had to hide from the other day, which means the owner was close. . .

"Hey boy, what are you doing out here?"

He asked as he gave the dog a good head pat, the dog then responded by jerking it's head towards the front of the house. . . He'd take a deep breath before nodding.

Jun would follow the dog cautiously taking slow steps and his gun aimed in front of him and around him, this place was too open for his liking, but as soon as he rounded the corner he'd wince, There was an middle man gasping on the floor, clutching his side.

Jun kept his gun trained on him, and the man noticed him and the dog coming, he'd chuckle and weakly raised his hands.

"Come to finish the job?" He asked, coughing a little in the process, blood was pooling where he sat, there was a bottle of half empty vodka on the floor next to him, and a Lever action rifle. . . He'd eye it and was cautious in approaching.

"N-no Sir." He said, looking around, and in front of him, he noticed two dead bodies, one male, one female, both wore modified american football uniforms as armor, the male had a bullet hole through his forehead and was laying down, clutching a makeshift pistol, while the female had a small pump action shotgun, her finger wrapped tightly around the trigger, he theorized this is what caused the fatal wound, and the blown of door behind him.

"Raiders." The middle-aged man said, making a clicking sound with is tongue, causing the dog to come to his side, nuzzling his cheek.

Jun recognized the man from a few weeks ago, he'd lower his gun, and knelt beside him, lowering his hood to reveal his face. Earning a quick chuckle out of the man.

"You're still alive." He jokingly said attempting to chuckle, but all that came out was a pained groan, Jun reached for his pack to get out something that could help, but the man stopped him.

"Kid, unless that's a knife to slit me throat, I suggest not wasting supplies on me...if you even have em."

Jun sighed, but he was right, he only had a spare hoodie to wrap around the wound, shaking his head in disapproval but he'd notice the man gesturing to sit for a second.

Jun did, and eyed the two bodies. "Just two?" He asked.

The man nodded,"Just two, should have probably let them take my crackers." He joked, reaching for the bottled vodka, but failing, he gestured Jun to hand it to him, which he did, taking off the cap too, the man took a long sip letting out an audible gasp, handing the half empty bottle to Jun.

"I don't drink." He says trying to refuse the bottle.

"Just take it, take my rifle too if you want." He rested back onto his seated position, the man took a look at his dog, placing a hand on his head. "Take this guy with you too. . . .would be a shame if he died with me."

Jun looked at him inquiringly. But he knew what the man was planning to do. "Does he have a name?"

The man would chuckle and groan. "Does it matter? he's your's now." He gestured for the dog to go with Jun, and he'd nod.

"Take my gear with you if you want. . . but leave that pipe-pistol to me." He pointed at the pistol in the male's hand, Jun nods and hands him the dead man's gun.

Jun then proceeded to take the Ranger's gear, which consists of riot gear, and a helmet. . . He'd chuckle for a second, thinking of a game he used to play, and wondered if he can use this to recreate that? but that would have to wait, He'd place the armor in his pack, followed by two boxes of rifle ammo, namely .30-30 caliber, and then the bottle of Vodka. . . He'd walk out and pat his new companion, and then look to the Ranger.

"Good speed, kid. . . " He smiled, and taking a deep breath. Nodding to him, Jun would finally pick up the lever action rifle and the shotgun, strapping the rifle to his back ,while the shotgun was strapped to the left side of his pack.

"Thank you...uh. . . ?"

The man simply shook his head. "Just take care of the dog. . . " He said before resting his head against the porch's pillars. the dog gave one last sad look as it's ears drooped, and then looked at Jun and nuzzled against the boy's leg, waiting for where they might go next.

Jun nods towards the ranger one last time before going back to the woods behind the house, he needed to get through before it gets too dark, or it might rain, he thinks to himself before a gunshot echoes through the small town. The Dog would audibly whimper and whine. . . knowing it's previous owner was now gone.

But for Jun, this was just more of the same. . . regardless if he liked it or not.


Jun found himself walking through a dead woodland, instead of going through the streets, paranoid that the Raiders weren't alone, and that a gunshot might have drawn them to where he was just taking a seat.

He'd look back ever so often, until the dog would stop in place, eyeing a small gas station. Jun would kneel down on the forest floor and take a breather, his pack was noticeably heavier as he set i down, the Rifle was surprisingly light, so he thought it must have been the armor or the shotgun that was weighing him down.

The sun, which was high up in the sky before he even entered the town was now casting an eerie orange glow as it began to set, did he spend that long in the woods? or maybe even talking to the man before? He didn't know if he could be honest, and once again he drew his pistol, and aimed it forward, he didn't expect the dog to know what this meant, but to his surprise, the black German Shepard lowered it's body to the ground, and followed as he slowly advanced. . . he'd notice the clouds that are rolling in that created the illusion of darkness, so Jun would quietly enter the gas station. Clearing out the small convenience store that barely had any stocks left, there were a few canned beans, the odd bag of jerky and to his surprise the still filled fridge, sadly it was filled with milk and soda more than anything, nothing that will help if he needs to hydrate himself.

But, besides the hole in the ceiling where the fridge was, this seemed like a good place to take a rest, he would go behind the counter, and check if the employee lounge was protected enough, and he'd place his bag there, taking out his small spare hoodie, and sprawled it on the floor, gesturing the dog to come and lay on it.

The old Shep gladly did and lay on top of the gray hoodie, resting. Jun instead sat on the floor, taking out a battery powered lamp and he shut the door leading to his little resting area, with a audible sigh he'd turn the lamp on, taking out the Lever Action Rifle he has procured from the Ranger earlier in the day.

He has a vague idea on how to make use of the gun, but wasn't familiar with how to properly check for rounds inside it, but Jun deduced, it was loaded, one bullet in each Raider assuming there was just two . . . and it also depends on which bullet was loaded in. So he took a look at his pack, taking out the Rifle ammo, and lo and behold, they were long rifle bullets.

'So 10' He thought to himself, leaning the rifle within arms reach of him, and placing his pistol on the floor near his pack. He Leaned against the wall and placed a hand on the Dog's back, before closing his eyes . . .

Opening them he'd find himself laying on the sand of Santa Monica beach, the warm sun was high up, the sound of waves crashing against the shore filled his ears, and the scent of the salty water would tickle his nose, Jun sat up, he was in his swimming shorts, looking around him he'd see the usual beach goers, the brunettes, the blondes. . . the busty teenagers playing volleyball.

Your stereotypical beach hotties. . . or so he thought, He'd feel someone tug on his shirt.

His sister was lying on the blanket next to him.

She was saying something, he could read her lips, but the sound was missing, the grin on her lips gave way to terror as she turned her gaze to the sky behind them, he'd then hear the voice of his mother yelling for them.

But then, he was jolted back to the present, the dog was growling and was in alert. Jun would instinctively reach for his pistol. . . but would grab his rifle instead, he'd grab a bullet from the box before taking a deep breath, Turning the lamp off, he'd slowly open the door, he'd hear the footsteps, they were walking around the shop area, he can only see a vague silhouette, but enough to aim, he'd place the bullet in the chamber, and would flick the lever audibly, cocking his rifle.

"Who goes there?" He asked audibly.

A soft gasp followed, and tripping. . . making Jun wince a little, he'd adjust his aim to where the head of the person was.

" I- I'm sorry, I-I just wanted some food--" The soft feminine voice said as the silhouette seemed to crawl away. "Please don't shoot. . . " Truth be told, he would rather not fire, he wasn't used to this gun yet, and would probably break his shoulder if he fired it like this.

Jun pondered for a moment before sighing. "Fine, take what you want and go. . . don't let me catch you here again, there's milk in the fridge, and beans in the shelves."

Jun kept his gun in the general direction of the silhouette as she began to take some of the supplies. . . and he'd hear scampering off in the distance as the door opened and closed promptly.

He finally relaxed for a bit, leaning down on the wall behind the counter. He wasn't getting any sleep tonight, wasn't he?