Character bio 01

Character name: Jun

Nicknames: Jun, Ranger, Man in black armor.

Age: 17-19 years of age.

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde.

Eye Color: Cerulean.

Appearance(Chapter 1-2): Jun wears a brown hoodie over a blue shirt, with blue jeans and black boots, He acquired a set of Riot armor, which he intends to convert into something from a game he plays.

Brief Biography: Jun is a half Japanese half Canadian, he was born in the city of Shibuya, and He, Before the fall, he was a timid young man, content on playing video games in his room, his father however used to take him to the range, where he learned how to shoot, after the fall, Jun seems to be jaded, unlike his companion, Tea, he doesn't seem too bothered by the killings he has done or is doing, and is adept at using firearms even with minimal training, he seems to be looking to find someone.

Equipment: 1x Smith and Wesson SD9

1x Marlin 336C