Taking photo sneakily

Mike settled her mother on the computer where she started downloading Christmas songs. Anna was already there putting decoration on the tree. Mike took the lighting from the table and started putting it just the way he had decorated his house.

In the kitchen

"Bella, start with peeling potatoes I am going to prepare the stuffing for the turkey alright?'' Alex and Bella nodded.

Alex passed a dozen of boiled potatoes to Bella and walked towards the fridge to take other ingredients out, but just when he returned in less than 30seconds. 

Bella was already sitting there freely, staring at him with her big eyes.

"En, did you need help?" he asked looking at her not doing work.

The girl blinked her eyes and shook her head, "then start peeling Bella, we are late."

He said as he started washing vegetables.

"I am done Alex," she replied, going back to the bowl.

She had already peeled all the potatoes. Alex gulped, was it even a human speed, was she trying to make a world record of speed. 

"Is it not right?" asked Bella, looking at his stunned reaction. 

He shook his head, "no-no it is good, it is better.

"Now let's cut these vegetables," he asked, giving her all the vegetables as he took out the floor to knead. But this time his eyes were set on the girl.

Once again he was dumbfounded to see her speed. Sometimes he couldn't even see her hand, with the speed she was moving it. It was much better even for a chef who had years of experience. 

Within three minutes all the vegetables were done. While he just stood there like a statue, just watching her. "Alex, done."

She replied turning back to him, only then did he come out of his stupor.

He looked at her and then at the vegetables which were already done.

"Do you know how to knead?" he asked but the girl shook her head.

"I was only taught to make fried rice, cutting vegetables and sandwiches, and lasagna," she replied tilting her head.

Alex nodded, he was about to say, then you can just mash the potatoes and saute it then go and enjoy with others.

But the girl added, "I can learn. If the girl from the box will show me." 

Alex bit his lips, it would be wrong to ask her to do anything. But he wanted to see her magic. How could she learn everything so perfectly just by looking at a video? With that thought, he nodded.

"Alright, let me set the video then' he found a video of a great chef who was making a pull-apart Christmas tree. He thought that she would watch the video many times to learn it.

But Bella just took it in her hands and watched once without even blinking her eyes.

And when she returned the phone, her hands worked like professionals. Her hands moved with that speed and perfection, each splice and each shape was perfect.

"You sure, didn't know how to make this before?'' Alex could not help but ask as her hands moved.

Bella shook her head and just in 10 min, the dish was ready to bake.

"Alright let's go with pudding now," he said as he showed her another video.

And the girl repeated the same process. She first looked at the video keenly. Then her hands started moving, with the same mechanical speed. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that she was a robot looking at the way of her working.

And just like that, all the recipes were done by Bella while Alex just stood in the tree looking at him with dreamy eyes.

"I am done with the turkey too, Alex," she replied for the last time.

"Hmmm,'' Alex gave a dreamy reply as he looked at the counter where pudding, Christmas tree, mashed potatoes with bread, sauce and turkey. Everything was ready.

"Alex, what else do we need to cook?" she asked, blinking.

Alex shook his head, "we are done, Bella."

Bella tilted her head as she looked at the dishes and then nodded.

"Have I given you my hand properly, Alex?" she asked, blinking again. 

If Alex did not know any better he would have thought she was flirting. But he knew Bella was the epitome of innocence.

So he nodded, "you did much better then I had thought, Bella." he replied patting her head like a mother does when their daughter cooks for the first time.

Bella smiled vibrantly, as she nodded back. "Thank you, Alex." her eyes were shining like stars.

Alex felt flustered, the more he looked at her, his heartbeat started increasing. Her brightening eyes, her mesmerising smile was like a whirlpool, trying to suck him. He was sure he would get lost in them if not taken immediate actions. Yet he did not move.

He just stood there and kept staring at her, who was still looking at him with a smile. There was something innocent in her eyes, a childlike heart, which had no malice of the world. 

"So we are done with the word... Hello," Mike entered the kitchen to have some frost to lick or some icing to taste.

But when he was there was no food but the emotions cooking around. He could see that pink heart fluttering in the air as both boy and girl were lost in each other's eyes.

It was like watching an old 70's movie. Where the love started from touching of hands and violins are played in the background, rather than a strong erotic scene like today's movies.

He slowly took out his phone hoping to take a few snaps sneakily so he could tease Alex later. 

But just when he took the picture, he did not realise that the flash was on, and it disturbed their dreamy pose.

Bella instantly turned towards Mike as she looked at him tilting her face which broke the spell cast on Alex too.