realistic fucking dream

To say that Alex was shocked would be an understatement! Did this girl shamelessly ask him to let her touch his ass. His open mouth touched the floor and his popped up opened eyes were almost out of the socket.

He had no reply, the girl had the power to make him speechless no matter what the conversion was about.

"You-you how can you say so?" he asked, furrowing his brows. If he didn't know any better he would have thought that the girl was talking dirty to him.

"Didn't you say that if rules are broken, then we can be equal by doing the same thing." she reasoned, furrowing her brows.

She was like a student, whose teacher had said that whatever they had learnt in the class was all wrong. She would fight till her last breath to prove that she was right.

Alex bit his lip, if there was a saying that dug your own grave, it would have never suited anyone else better than him in this current condition.