It had been years since Alex had last shared the room with Anna much less Bella, who is not even his sister.
As he laid there on the floor, he felt odd and sleep was nowhere near him. He tossed and turned in the bed, hoping to get some rest, but it did not work. Counting the innumerable amount of sheep too. He sighed, sleeping with them was a bad idea in the end. He could feel her gaze on him all the time as if she had not even blinked once as he continued to sleep there.
"Bella stop staring at me," he said at last once he was not able to bear it anymore.
"Alex, you are not sleeping," she stated the obvious.
"I know, it's because you are not sleeping Bella." he pointed finally opening his eyes and looking at her.
"But I never sleep," she replied, blinking her big bright eyes.