do not follow me

Alex has wanted to tell Bella for a long time. She could not follow him everywhere and she could not stay dependent on her every time.

"Bella we both have our own lives, we could not stay with each other every time." he added in a softer tone.

"Why not, i can follow you." she asked like a kid was suddenly abandoned by her parents. 

"Yes, you can, but you should not. You should try to make new friends. Meet new people, and see new places, you should have your own life." he explained.

Anna bit her lips as she saw Alex trying to be hard to Bella,. She was angry with Bella too, as she had suddenly accepted Liam's invitation, but more than that she was guilty because she was the one who had asked Bella to follow Alex everywhere. Try to seduce him and be his girlfriend, and now because of her instructions and municipality Bella had to hear an earful of Alex scolding.