going to university

Bella and Alex walked back to the bus stand in silence.

As they both sat there, Alex looked at her and hesitated, but then he took a deep breath and asked, "Bella, do you want to join the university?" he asked hesitatingly, because he was afraid that the girl would include him once again.

Bella looked at him and blinked, "I want to go with you Alex." see he knew, she was stubborn as a mule.

"Bella, I need to work, and those who work can not study, and those who study can not work" he explained.

"why?" her face tilted as she looked at him.

"Because there is not much time, but since you can afford, why don't you go and enjoy university life? It will be a good experience." he encouraged and he looked confused.

"But how can i go without you." she asked so innocently that he did not know how to reply to that.