Told the old lady

Even if Bella wanted to deny it, she was sure she would not be able to do it. The demon was strong enough for her to handle like that. But she could not put the life of Alex at stake just to save herself.

She mustered all her courage to stop her body from kneeling but she knew it would not be possible for a long time if the demon kept using the same amount of pressure.

The demon who was looking at her attempts to fight back was amused with her trials. He chuckled as he moved towards her and put his finger on her chin.,

Moving her face towards him he smirked, "stubborn, aren't you. Why fight the battle you could not win, huh?" he asked but Bella did not respond. She kept trying to get rid of the shackles he was enveloped on her body.

The demon sighed and smiled and all the pressure lifted off her.

"See, it was that easy, you just need to ask the baby girl, '' he said with the same smirk and then let her chin go.