Found them

Alex was worried as Mike was still injured yet he was not in his bed, so where did he go?

He walked out and asked the nurse passing by but she shrugged it off as she had no idea where the patient went.

She advised him to go and ask the concerned doctor and Alex nodded and left. When he walked towards the cabin of the doctor. The respective nurse told him that a patient suddenly turned serious and the doctor left for emergency.

Alex sighed as he ran a hand in his hair. Where else could they go, how could they both be so careless. Now where would he go and find them?

But then the thought of morgue passed his mind and his eyes widened. He ran towards the morgue in a hurry. He stopped as he caught his breath. The guard was looking at him with intrigue as mostly people come here in an aggrieved manner, too sad to walk through the property and Alex was running to the morgue like his life was depending on it.