The final goodbyes

Anna waited thinking that they would be back in hours. But from morning it turned to noon but they were not back. These days it is becoming common. Alex just vanished, telling that he would be back in minutes. And Bella did not even come to see her before today. 

And even then she left in a few minutes only to not come back. She felt irritated but at the same time she felt there was something amiss. In the evening finally Bella comes with a strange man with her. they both had grave expression on their faces.

"Anna, come we need to go" said Bella and Anna looked back at Bella and then at the stranger who came with Bella.

"Where is brother Alex and brother Mike?" she asked as she did not see anyone else there.

"They have gone for a very important task, Anna. And we need to join them soon. So come with me." there was something in Bella's voice that made Anna unnerving. She felt sudden anxiousness as if something was going to happen.