Bella tried to enter in the mind of Alex, but it was nothing but dark. She tried to wake him up again but it didn't work either. She felt more and more worried. But nothing was working.
"Let him be, he would not wake up" she heard the voice and turned back only to see Lucas there.
"What do you mean that he would not wake up?" she asked, gritting her teeth, her anger ws visible as her nails grew long, ready to shred Lucas and everyone who was responsible for his condition.
"Hey, hey.. Calm down. He had used a lot of energy in that. Do you think a simple ball of fire would be enough to burn the room when my scythe was not able to do it? He still did not have control over his powers. The amount of energy he had used would be enough to blow the whole city if the room was not strong enough to hold it in." explained Lucas, and Bella finally took a deep breath.