How have you been number 15?

Alex held both his hands and pulled them apart too. Alex broke each and every limb of the shadow beast into pieces. Though he was feeling guilty at the start. But he knew they were not innocent humans whom he was killing.

They were demons who would kill him if he would not kill them. It increased his confidence a lot. And soon he killed them like a pro.

Even when the demons tried to ghost attack him, he was able to save himself. He did not know how but he was always able to sense them.

When a demon tried to hit him from behind, he turned and held its hand and then flipped it into the air. It fell a few meters away. He held the hand of other demons and then flipped it in the air too. The way they turned in the air and then fell  on the floor with a thud was making him excited. He felt like the hero of an action film.