Ch 3

Warmth is all I felt as my hand ran along the void. My eyes where heavy while the smell of smoke and morning mist filled my nose. The bed below was hard and textured with light fuzz as if it had thought it could trick me in feeling comfort. But I don't remember my bed being so cold. A ray of light began tickling the edge of my eyelid as I started in the rubbery sheets.

Oh that's right, I'm not home.

My eye opens to the sight of a cold cave where a fire sits burning in the center. Furs nestled me in a bed while most sat in bundles waiting idley like crates of product. Fresh herbs hung on a makeshift rack. The sun crept in slowly from the entrance, leading in the morning dew like path stones. I sat up with a skinned pelt in my hand. My hair remained tussled and wild while my clothes from days prior remained on my body. My grey hoodie littered in holes which allowed my black long sleeve shirt to show through shyly. My jeans were torn and battered as the dirt stand the fabric. Next to me my shoes sat caked in mud and grime, loosing their shiny coat of silver.

'Mom would be upset, livid actually.' I solemnly smiled at the thought. My mother, a spitfire of a person whom always left me guessing at if what I was doing was right. But despite making me second guess everything she's said and everything I've done I still miss her in this moment. She did care at the end of the day about my well-being, caring for my tears and gripes with the world. Shes my mother, my ina*. Though I hope she's not taking anything out on my sisters. It's not their fault I'm gone so suddenly and I'm not even sure it's mine.

"Do you think they are out here?" I snapped out of my thoughts as the sound of Corwins voice echos through the cave. Shadows danced as two figures approached the mouth of the cave but never made and effort to enter. "Those dragons?"


"You've heard of the strange disappearances of travelers that go through this forest. Beings with leather wings abducting females and being extremely territorial." Corwins voice wavered as worry filled in his tone.

"We just have to stay away from the marked area, that's all we need to do," Milori spoke calmly. "More importantly we should get her to be more comfortable with us."

Ah my heart. That was kinda sweet.

"Huh, oh good morning Avery. Did you rest well?" Corwin had swiftly turned into the cave with a bowl in hand.

"I-I did you sleep?"

Awkwardness rolled off me in waves. I watched as Corwin froze for a moment. His tail and ears were focused as his eyes widen in surprise. Though he soon thaws out with a wide smile. His tail sprang to life while he happily answered and luckily nothing else. Jeez is it that hard to wear pants?

"I slept well! Also we plan to stay here for a few days before heading to a village." Corwin had sat the bowl down by the entrance as he almost made a mad dash towards me. His tail moved vigorously side to side while I struggled to move out of the bed. "Oh right...your injury. What should we do? Do you want me to get you anything? You should stay and rest." I watched as his ears became droopy as he spoke.

"Im fine, don't need anything right now. But do you guys need any help?" Avery asked as she looked towards the outside the cave.

"Help? I don't know if there is anything you can help with right now." His face twisted in confusion as his tail flicked.

"How about you help me find food that you like to eat?" Milori suggested as he poked his head into the cave.

"Okay, how can I help?" I was slightly excited at the prospect of food. I mean who wouldn't after starving?


The sky was a warm blue while fluffy clouds passed by overhead. It was warmer outside than in the cave for the sun was now higher in the sky, drying the morning dew. The sweet breeze tickled my face while I was being carried in Milori's arms. His ears flicked around at the slightest noise while his face remained a cool neutral face. His tail swung back and forth though restricted due to the animal skin skirt around his waist, something he put on after all this time.His chest was bare and lord, his chest. I tried my best not to stare but it was hard not to when it's right next to my face. My face was tinted pink as my heart beated wildly. Turns out guys usually only wear skirts, while women and girls wear more articles of clothing.

'Oh come on, stop being weird! His like an adult! Would this be grooming in any way? Predator-like? No I'm the one right now with weird thoughts and it's not like they've done anything yet...'


"How about these fruits?" Milori pointed to a tall tree with small hanging fruit high up on the branches. The beared a pear green hue from what I can see but had a strange flowing shape to them, almost similar to a quince.

"I've never seen this fruit before, do you know what it taste like?"

Milori though for a moment before answering. "I don't really eat fruits but I know lots of females find this one very tart, having a strong sour after taste. It's flesh is a pale yellow on the inside as well and can be used to make your hair softer."

Milori looked down at me with his eyes shine in excitement. I looked back at the sour fruit as I thought about the sinigang* I helped mom make the day before I ended up here.

"Are there any other sour fruits? I'd like to try them then."

Milori sat me down on the ground as he started to take off his skirt. Blush coated my face as I looked away while Milori started to climb. I didn't, well I did but chose not to, look up at Milori while he worked and tried to focus elsewhere. Looking in distant trees I spotted perched birds and scurrying squirrels. Everything seemed peaceful until I felt a chill run up my spine, like I was being watched. My attention was soon pulled away as a loud thud shook the ground. In his arms he held a couple of ripe fruits. He held up on of them, inspecting it again before a sharp black claw from his fingernail grew from his right hand. He held the fruit with his left and began slicing it.

'Oh...that's kinda disturbing. that...that's not natural. My brain. It looks like he just shoved a claw into his fingernail. Even the skin around it looks that fur!?'

Milori handed me a slice of the fruit and I gave him a crooked smile. "thank you so much. You didn't have to do that for me."

"Nonsense it's my pleasure."

It was only after that we continued to walk, using my sweater as a basket to hold the fruit we collected. This time we stopped at a lemon looking fruit tree with orange looking citrus. "This one is also sour, is really sour..."

"Can I try one?"

The answer was yes and the result was...amazing! We added a lot more fruits to the collection after that scathing review.

Walking along in the forest we also found eggs, a dozen to be exact. There was also found a few onions, cauliflower, a lemon, and a single potato, non-rotten potato that is. Carefully Milori walked back with our hall as I thought of ways to cook the eggs.

"Boiled? Scrambled? Overeasy? Fried? Wait we don't have rice!" All my plans for fried rice left me.

"What are you talking about?" Corwin sat down next to me as I washed the fruits and veggies in a wooden bowl.

"I'm thinking of ways to cook the eggs." I stated bluntly as Corwin stares at me with wide eyes.

"Don't you...feel bad though?" Corwin sat curiously as the situation got a bit weird.

"Uh, lots of birds eat you like eggs?" I awkwardly tried to divert the heat away from me.

"I do...I just didn't know you're supposed to...cook them..." Corwin scratched his head awkwardly.



" do you usually prepare meals?" I asked "Please tell me you use seasonings."


Corwin looked at me with some guilt. "What's 'seasonings'?"


'Lord help me before I sin-'

"Okay...well seasonings are like the uh dried herbs you put on the food or things like bay leaves, cilantro..fresh garlic. It can also have spices like star anese, saffron, tumeric...okay enough with all the categories. What about limes? Do you use those? How about Abobe-" Alright time to stop talking. "For get the last one...."

Corwins eyes lit up in vague understanding "Like the flavor of wood? Yeah I do that and add salt,"

'Boi that is not enough flavor! Smoking add flavor yes-but seasonings! Not just salt! I swear that don't even marinade the meat-'

"But herbs are really used as medicine, I didn't know that it can be used in that way." Corwin looked at me with stars for eyes. His tail was swinging furiously and creating a small dust cloud. "It's so fun talking to you! Do you think we can use some herbs that we have drying? Oh I know, why don't we try that 'pickling' method?"

"Uh, just will take a while and we don't have any cucumbers...we could pickle something else though, maybe that cauliflower?"

"We don't have enough salt to spare right now," Liam interjected as he brought over a bowl and snagged a few eggs. "Anything like that would need to wait till we trade with the villages. Furs and rare herbs from the south are what we brought so don't even think about touching that medicine."

Liam bent down and snatched two eggs before he cracked them into the mess of pink stew before mashing it in.

"Those where for breakfast!" I cried while Liam just glared at me.

"These are needed for tanning. Be happy we got you those fruits to eat." Liam spat as he threw the egg shells near me. "Here you can have the shells, I've seen a few birds pick on eggshells. It must be the same for bird beastmen, so enjoy."

There was something in me that snapped at this. The light brushing of eggshell against my cheek while he acted all smug. "You actual bitch." I said with a crooked smile and a disbelieving chuckle. My eyes fixed themselves on Liam while he looked unfazed.

Corwin on the other hand was shocked. His ears fell flat and gave me a concerned look. "Avery, are you alright?"

I didn't say anything to Corwin as I stared Liam down. "I don't know what stick is up your ass buddy but let me tell you there is no need to be such a little prick in the morning for no reason." I blinked as the sudden rush of rage disappeared and I met Liam's eye. He wouldn't let it show but it was hard for someone like me not to see: fear.

"What are you going to hit me now?" Liam taunted while shock slapped me in the face.

'No, I wouldn't do that! Not over something like this. Not...'

My resolve disconnected me from the sudden outburst as I didn't know what else to do. "No, I won't. I'm just...I'm sorry that was too far. But don't just throw things at me, that makes me upset."

"Don't call me a bitch." Liam snarked back before walking away. It was awkwardly quiet after that as I continued to clean the veggies. Corwin glanced at me from time to time with sad and worried eyes. Tension remained until I broke it first.

"I don't eat egg shells," I said lightly while it caught Corwin off guard.

"W-What!?" He stuttered.

I smiled softly at his response. "Come on it was practically written all over your face. 'Does she really like egg shells? Should I start eating them?'" I joked and nudged his side.

"I wasn't thinking that! I mean not...okay maybe partially but-" Corwin tripped over his own words before catching himself. "Really, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm just...working on how snippy I am." My lips made a grim line as I thought of home. "Sometimes it's not easy for me to control my...outbursts. I've been really working on it though! This has been the first in a..long while..."

I became uneasy as I thought of mom.

'At least I'm trying.'

Breakfast was made by Milori sadly. I didn't have my chance to shine and instead sat beside him as I watched him work. He did end up using a light salt rub with some of lemon zest. The meat was softer this time and more consistent in texture, though I think it was because Milori was the one cooking this time and not Liam.

The rest of the day was left up to... nothing. Corwin was mostly smoking the rest of the food to preserve it by making jerky. Milori went out to collect more fruits to dry, saying females love to trade for them, but granted they had to find sweeter ones. I mostly hung around Corwin, sitting with him and talked endlessly about anything he asked about.

"You're sixteen?" Corwin hummed.

"Almost seventeen, should be in a month." I said uneasily.

"So you're almost of age. You just haven't gone into heat yet, right?"

"Yeah...right." The heck that means?

"What about litter mates? Any brothers?"

"No brothers, I only have three younger sisters." I said absently

"Three!? Wow your mom must be so important to the village then! Only females, amazing! How many mates does she have?"

"Uh...only one." I cautiously stated.

'My dad on the other hand-'

Corwin gave me a strange look and left a long pause before speaking again. "You must have been really important to your clansmen then! How many suitors flocked you in a day?" Corwin suddenly felt a little less confident in himself but maintained a bright smile.

"Suitors...I...didn't really have any admirers. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm kinda ugly and flat-chest wise at least. Besides I'm not 'of age' so that is important too." I started getting uncomfortable with the direction this was headed.

"What are you talking about? You're pretty!" Corwin puffed out his chest and spoke very bluntly. "I mean you just need a good bath and some more food in your stomach due to being out here alone for so long, and your hair is messy, but despite all that you're very pretty."

"Wow, you telling me I stink?" I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Wait-! That came out wrong! I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude-!" Corwin started to apologize..

"It's fine, you're not saying it to be mean. I won't snap at you so relax."

Corwin relaxed his shoulders and sighed thankfully. "Good. I'd hate for you to think that I was being mean."

'You are so nice to talk to, is this what talking to females is like? It feels so natural. Why was it so hard before?'

"Do you have any siblings-i mean-litter mates?"

Corwin suddenly got very quiet. He wore a sad smile while checking the smoker. "Yeah I do.." Corwin flexed his tail uncomfortably. The memories with his 'brothers' where not very pleasant. "I was not close with my litter mates."

Uncharacteristically a frown set up on his lips while his ears twitched. He let himself get lost in the bright flames of fire in front of him as they danced about gingerly. A small hand on his forearm brought him back to reality as he pushed away the worn memories.

"So...what do you know about Luna and Selene? The two moon goddesses? It's an interesting story!"

"Two moon goddesses? Why two?" I questioned with a tilt of my head.

"Because there are two moons silly-sorry."



"I called you silly and that was mean..."

"No, you said two moons?"

"Yeah the two moons! Look up in the sky right now! It's dusk so you can see them!" I fallowed where Corwins finger pointed towards. And there reflecting in my eyes were two moons, one being full and the other being a waxing crescent.

"Shizzle on a stick."

My mouth gaped open as I rubbed my eyes then looked again. I wasn't seeing things there where two. Why are there two!? I'm on Earth! No...

"I'm on Gaia.."