first place

Stand before a monk-like man, Sora smiled slightly while waving at the crowd with a smile. the crowd was cheering madly for him, and in the short time break, there were even people who had made posters for him and were holding them up high in the sky.

"Nam was it? you came all this way to earn money to save your people, I don't need the reward, so come see me when I win." Sora said with a smile, Nam was stunned slightly at Sora's word before thanking him from the bottom of his heart. He competed because he needed the money to buy lots of water. where he was from, there was a terrible drought, and he had been sent to find a solution.

"but that doesn't mean to hold back, come at me with everything you have," Sora said with a smile, Nam nodded slightly. even if Sora didn't say that, it didn't mean he would have held back, so with a step and they jumped toward each other.

in mid-air, they tried countless bows, before they went on to land on the other side of the stage, Sora smiled slightly as he turned to look at Nam, before walking off the stage. a moment later, Nam fainted confusing everyone as to them, they jumped towards each other, seemly went through each other, and landed on opposite ends of the arena.

"the winner, Sora." the announcer yelled in amazement, as the crowd cheered for Sora, Sora suddenly noticed something flying towards him. reaching out, he caught a bar a woman from the crowd threw at him. Sora sighed as he threw it back towards the woman and quickly left seeing other females were having the same thoughts.

"boy, do I envy you." Jackie Chun said with a perverted smile, He may or may have not seen Sora and Ranfan kissing, he may or may have not noticed how Ranfan and Bulma fighting. his jealousy towards those females and Sora was off the charts. Sora sighed as he looked at him

"I'm not a kid, you need not try and hide your identity. when you defeat Goku, I wait to truly fight you as an equal teacher." Sora said with a smile, before walking off, Jackie Chun had a look of confusion as if not understanding Sora's words.

"you really are strong," Ranfan said softly, Sora just shrugged at her words. this match was nothing to him, Ram was strong but he could have just stood there and he wouldn't have injured him. maybe some stretches, Sora's physique body allowed him to ignore most attacks with a powerlevel below it. that would only increase if he use his Ki to enhance his defense.

this was different from others, for example. Master Roshi could use Ki. but if caught off guard, then even a simple bullet could injure him or even kill him. when they strengthen their body, this doesn't not in return boost their physical defense, empty on Ki they are at their weakest. in Dragon Ball Super, Goku almost died from a lesser gun, because he let his guard down.

Relaxing too much is a problem, no matter how powerful you are when completely empty on Ki the body is still an incredibly fragile thing. of course, there were races in this world with stronger physiques, for one Goku was of a special race that could tank bullets. but there was a limit to how much even his race could handle.

the fact Sora could temper his body like this would make him special, unlike no others, he was a special case within the dragon ball world. this was not only because of his defense, it was because he didn't only have defense, he also has speed, strength, and stamina not any weaker.

Sora hugged Ranfan slightly pulling her close to himself, Ranfan blushed slightly seeing they were in the center of everyone's attention. So, the two went outside where they made out with hands all over each other. Sora happily played with her asses, while Ranfan rubbed her hand at his huge cock, of course, she was shocked at the size.

but they had to come to an end as Jackie Chun and Goku's match was going out of hand. Sora and Ranfan looked over the wall and saw that Goku and Jackie Chun were both gathering huge amounts of Ki in between their palms, after saying Kamehameha they shat the blue ball at each other

The Kamehameha is formed when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and ki is concentrated into a single point, between their cupped hands. The hands are then thrust forward to shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy.

The Kamehameha was invented by Master Roshi after practicing for fifty years. Goku learns it after witnessing Master Roshi unleashing the blast to extinguish the flames at Ox-King's home on Fire Mountain. Goku is so talented he could copy techniques seen, Sora could of course do the same Goku was not more talented than himself.

the shock wave from the Kamehamhe clashed sent the two flyings, but after some talking, they quickly returned to fighting. Jackie Chun went on to use after images to knock Goku down, but Goku got back up and used the same technique but slightly better.

"he is quite strong... anyways. shall we return?" Sora asked with a smile as he looked at Ranfan who was stunned at what she was seeing. Ranfan blushed slightly, before shyly nodding as they returned to having their fun. Sora's hands entered Ranfan pants and began playing with her already wet little things. Ranfan body shook slightly as she hugged Sora while covering her mouth so she wouldn't moan.

Soon, Sora couldn't hold it. Sora pulled his dick out and pinned her against the wall. rasing her leg, Sora aimed his dick against her lower mouth, as he slowly put it in, Ranfan's body shook in pain as she hugged him. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly feeling how tight she was, seeing the painful look on her face Sora kissed her and began playing with her beast.

Ranfan body slowly relaxed the pain was quickly overshadowed by the pleasure she felt, seeing this Sora slowly sent his dick in before giving her a second. Ranfan nodded at him slightly to continue, before he slowly began moving, the pain quickly disappeared and was replaced with pure pleasure.

her moans sounded, thankfully there was a loud battle on the other side of the wall, so they couldn't hear it. Ranfan covered her mouth to suppress the moans, but it was of little use she quickly threw such thoughts out of her mind and hugged Sora tightly while moaning loudly, as if the loud she moaned the longer she could feel this pleasure.

Sora seeing this quickly covered her mouth his own, before picking her sound of flesh hitting other sounds, with each trust making Ranfan's mind go blank. everything in this world had disappeared, only this overwhelming sense of pressure was the only thing that mattered.

"i'm coming." She said with great difficulty through her heavy breaths, Sora nodded slightly before he trusted one more time and came inside her. Ranfan hugged Sora Sora tightly, as her eyes rolled backwards, she breathed heavily she looked lovely at Sora before she gave him a huge kiss.

Just as she broke the kiss and was about to say something, a huge roar came from the arena. at some point, Goku had turned into a huge ape when the moon came out. with a powerlevel of 570, Sora felt a slight chill when he felt danger. the two quickly stopped and looked back at the arena and saw people running all over the place in horror.

"Wow, he's stronger," Sora said softly, as he quickly placed Ranfan down. as soon as his dick left her lower mouth, their love juice fell out like a waterfall which made Ranfan slightly embarrassed, but she put it all side as right now a huge ape was on a rampage. she quickly got dressed, but Sora calmed her down as the two went on to two matches. but she couldn't calm down and was still in a slight panic. she couldn't even feel the energy flowing through her body.

Jackie Chun went on to remove his shirt, revealing his skinny body. with a scream, he came extremely muscles and grew in size. Jackie Chun with on to charge a Kamehameha at full power and launched it at the moon, Sora watched as the attack traveled at such a shocking speed that it arrived before the moon in seconds, destroying it.

'i could have fought him with dual wielding, although it would have been a bloody battle.' Sora thought as he looked at the crowd which was slowly returning and was amazed at the fact the huge ape had disappeared. everyone at first thought he killed him, but after Jackie Chun pointed at the sky, everyone was amazed that the moon was missing.

Goku soon woke up but was butt naked, so the match was called for a hold as Goku went on to go on new clothing before they returned to their match. the fight returned, and this time Ranfan was not in the mood for anything after seeing that. since they were tried Jackie Chun used up a lot of each bowing up the moon, and Goku tuning into a great ape seemed to tier him up, they went on to fight with only martial arts without the use of energy. but to everyone's shock, this battle had already gone on for over 4 hours. yet none were willing to give up

it was clearly a hard fight, the two pushed themselves, in the end, they knocked each other down and had a hard time standing up. jackie Chun went on to stand up, winning the tournament although if one looks closely it seemed he might have been holding back.

With Jackie Chun claiming the winner, he was given some time to rest and recover before facing Sora. although nighttime was around the corner, everyone couldn't wait to see who would win this battle.

So, after another break and some time for lights to be set up since it was already getting hard and there was no moon for the sun to reflect off. Sora and Jackie Chun faced each other in the arena

"teach, I hope you're at 100%," Sora said with a smile, Jackie Chun had an annoyed look at how Sora called him teach, but he didn't say anything as he too got serious, with a deep breath Jackie Chun entered 100%, his height and muscles grew. unlike Goku, he was not going to hold back.

the two flashed towards each other and began attacking, they tried many blows, blocking, countering, and dodging. the clashes from the battle created huge winds, which were clearly felt by those watching,

"you are strong," Jackie Chun said with a slight smile, he, of course, liked the fact he could let lose against someone as equally powerful, but Sora's smile was forced as he was at the disadvantage, it took everything he had to keep up with Jackie Chun.

Ki suddenly covered Jackie Chun's fist, with the enhancement to his strength, he punched Sora across the face. Sora was sent flying, but quickly caught himself, and dodge Jackie Chun's attacks, and quickly made space. touching his face, Sora angrily look at Jackie Chun Jackie Chun dodged making eye contact, which only made Sora's anger

"That's low," Sora said with a sigh, before he two enhanced his strength with Ki, with a step they both tried more blows. Jackie Chun also used Ki to enhance his strength, which made a difference in his strength only raising even more.

"you strong kid, but this seems to be your limit." Jackie Chun said with a smile, Sora was currently showing a power level of 140 meanwhile, He had a powerlevel of 180. this gap Sora of course overwhelmed, Sora was sent sliding backward while holding his stomach as he coughed up some blood.

"you truly are powerful," Sora said with a smile, Jackie Chun laughed slightly, but deep down she was cursing, just a few months and Sora was already this powerful. the last time he saw Sora, Sora barely had a powerlevel of 50, yet how strong was he now? not even Goku who he thought was freakily talented was not a match for Sora,

Sora looked at the crowd which was cheering for him, smiling slightly he sighed before he got serious. He would not use his Dao, but he would use his other technique.

'His Ki has a sharpness to it, martial shouldn't be his main force but the sword paths.' Jackie Chun thought as he remember the clashes he and Sora had. he felt like he was punching a Sword, a sharp made which forced him to use more Ki. if a normal person touched Sora Ki, the part that came into contact with his Ki would be shredded to a point that would be a blood mist. the scary thought was that Sora didn't mean to do this. it's just the way his energy was.

Sora rushed forward and began to fight once more, the battle went on to fight all out, and Sora was quickly hit with many blows. but Sora didn't give up, the two fought all over the arena, and soon Jackie Chun had enough of this.

Jackie Chun jumped into the sky while charging up a Kamehameha, the Kamehameha shot towards Sora, Sora's eyes shrank slightly before he quickly cut forward with his finger. the Kamehameha was cut in half, shocking Jackie Chun as Ki's blade was shooting straight toward him. with greeted teeth, he put everyone within the Kamehameha as he knew he couldn't dodge this attack.

the Ki blade began slowing down and was slowly weakening, but it soon reached Jackie Chun and upon reaching him, Jackie Chun quickly put up his defense before he was sent flying off the arena.

'i didn't expect to have to use my Dao.' Sora thought as he watched Jackie Chun slowly getting off the ground as he looked at the slight cut on his arm before looking at Sora in shock. he sensed Sora had the attack weaken at the last moment or else he might be missing an arm right now,

'he used his finger like a sword, it seems he really is most talented with the sword.' Jackie Chun thought as he nodded slightly at Sora. the announcer went on to announce Sora's victory and rewarded him with the prize money. the crowd cheered, as Sora took the prize before he went on to gift Nam with the money as Sora didn't need it. everyone began heading home, it was already night after

"That was amazing," Linda said with a smile, Sora smiled with a nod as he wrapped his hand around her. Ranfan who was about to walk up to Sora froze seeing this, Sora also noticed her before waving at her to come over. with slight hesitation she walked over

"Ranfan, this is Linda. my girlfriend." Sora said with a smile, Linda nodded slightly at Ranfan, she easily could tell what happened.

"so you two did it?" Linda asked with a raised eyebrow, stunning Ranfan slightly. Sora nodded slightly, Linda nodded slightly at his words. she was not upset, she agreed to Sora having a harem after all. so although slightly unguard, she knew what was the most important thing to do right now... to make Ranfan knowledge her as number one. leaving Sora, he pulled Ranfan off to talk personally to each other.

"hey Sora, that was a great match," Bulma said seeing Sora was all alone, Sora smiled slightly as he nodded at her words. before he thought of something

"you are heading back home by chance?" Sora asked with a smile, to which she nodded with slight confusion, Sora nodded slightly

"I wanted to come to visit with you, but I have to stop to go home first... how about you come with me to see how you're Linda's friend and all? although she would be at work, we would be alone, but it's just for a short time so I can grab my stuff." Sora said with a smile, Bulma froze slightly before her eyes almost glowed. she quickly nodded slightly before agreeing without a second thought.