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I wish I was still asleep in bed but unfortunately I had to wake up early because I have to get ready for my new job. I would be happy but I don't like the idea of working with another Asshole or I should say working for another Asshole, to make matters worse it is the assholes daughter I am looking after, lets just hope there is no problems. I head to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for the day, I leave my hair down since it is too long to have up, that's right I have my hair down to my lower back, and all natural no extensions, I cant stand that fake shit. same with dying may hair I don't do that, I have natural black hair and that's the way I'm going to keep it.

I do my make up light and simple and I slip into my black jeans with my white convers and blue long sleeve top, I want to look conservative today. after I'm ready I grab my phone and keys, head into the kitchen, I see a not from Victoria on the kitchen island and I pick it up.

NOTE: Morning babe I had to be in early today, I left some breakfast for you in the oven and some coffee is still left. have a great day at your new job, love you.

A smile forms on my face, thank god for my best friend, I quickly eat my breakfast and drink some coffee and head out, when Im outside I wake down a cab and get in.

Cab Driver-" Good morning miss where to?" " good morning" I say back with a smile, I unlock my phone and give him the address that was sent to me, he looks scared but he nods and takes off. we arrive shortly, I pay the cab driver and get out . he quickly speeds off leaving me standing there confused. I turn around and...….WOW..... how rich is this guy?, this isn't a house this is a fucking Mansion. I walk up to the gates, I am about to press the buzzer but instead the gates open, I walk in and head to the front door. I ring the bells twice , shortly after someone answers the door.....FUCK ME HE IS HOT!!!!!!

"ahem um, hi I am here for the nanny job" I say as I am a bundle of nervons, " right I'm Lorenzo Hernandez" he says with a calm manner. WAIT HE IS MY BOSS!!!!? I am so screwed. he extends his arm out for me to shake his hand and when I do I feel sparks shoot up my arm and it goes all the way down to my toes....WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!? " come in" he says clearing his throat, he stands aside so that I can get in, when I do, I look at the place and I think I'm in heaven I mean this place is a Palace. "right this way" he says and I follow him and we stop at the kitchen which is as big as my apartment, I see a cute little girl sitting on a stool eating breakfast in her PJ's.

"xenia princess this is Valeria your new nanny" he says as she turns around and looks at me "hi" I say with a smile, she doesn't answer me, she just turns around and goes back to eating her breakfast, Okayyy this is gonna be harder then I thought. I turn to Lorenzo or I should say Mr. Hernandez.

"sorry about here she's not happy that I have to leave" he says giving Xenia a small smile, " its okay" I say knowing the feeling of being left with a nanny my whole life " well I have to go now" he says, I nod and he walks over to Xenia and kisses her forehead, "bye princess daddy will be back later tonight, behave for Valeria, I love you" he says walking out of the kitchen "otay dadda I will, I wuv you too" she says all cute and quite, he is about to leave but he stops and looks at me, I gave him a small smile as to say that I will be fine, and with that he leaves.


when I open the door I see her standing on my doorstep. she is extremely beautiful, Xenia of Couse is upset but hopefully everything goes good. I really don't want her to leave and I don't know why. I head to the garage and get my black Lamborghini and head off to meet up with people today for business and I have to meet Carlos down at the club, ( today is going to be a long day) and with that I leave home.