zoo part 1


For a strange reason I fell asleep thinking about Lorenzo, just wish I could get him out of my head, if only it is was that easy. I got out of bed and jumped in the shower and started my morning routine to get ready for the day.

I head into the kitchen and to my surprise tori isn't up yet, so I took this as an opportunity to return the favour since she cooked breakfast yesterday. I heat up some coffee since we both know that we cant live with out coffee and get started on making breakfast, simple sunny side up with the side of bacon and pancakes, and just in time tori walks into the kitchen already ready for work.

"Mmm... Smells good in here babe" she says licking her lips while she finishes putting her hair up "just wanted to return the favour" I say with a smile "thanks babe, but you know you didn't have to, I could have gotten something from work, I think you tend to forget I work in a café, I'm not complaining though" she says with a smile and sits down at the table while I place a plate in front of her with a glare " shut the hell up and eat please" I say with a smirk knowing she loves my cooking and with that I sit down as well and start to eat " yes Ma'am" she ways with a solute, we both looked at each other and started to laugh.

" I forgot to ask you...who fucked up your face?" she asked looking at my forehead "Gee thanks, its nothing serious and its not fucked up its just a small bruise, Xenia threw a block at me" I say running my fingers over the cut "rude much" she says with a hard face, she always hates it when I get hurt, she has been like this ever since what happened with my family and who's name shell not be spoken in this house or around me, "I'm fine" I say giving her a small smile and going back to eating breakfast "did she at least apologise to you? She asked with a raised brow " no she didn't but im willing to be patient with her, she isn't that bad" I say thinking back to Lorenzo and Xenia "your too nice you know that right" she says with worry written all over her face, I sight because I know she is right but I don't think about it to much.

We both finish eating and clean up afterwards "bye babe, see you later" tori says grabbing her keys " bye babe love you" I say grabbing my own keys and heading for the door, we both walk out and give each other a hung " love you to" she says with a smile and with that we both went our separate ways. Like yesterday I haul down a taxi, told him my destination and like the other cab driver he looks scared shitless but takes me there anyway I mean he is getting paid for it. When I arrive, I got the door and I'm about to knock when the door swings open... fuck me dead why does he have to be so hot? ( get your head out of the gutter Val damn)

" good morning" I say with a smile "yes it is" Lorenzo mumbles looking at me with lust in his eyes, I know he thought I didn't hear him but I did, is it hot in here or is it just me? " what was that" I ask trying to see if he is going to repeat what he said "ahem...nothing" he says with his cheeks heating up, just the Xenia emerges at his side wearing a horrible outfit and I can tell he picked it out for her " oh my god what is she wearing?" I ask knowing that he cant pick out girl cloths as well as he does his own " I picked them out for her" he says looking down at Xenia " oh I can tell" I say with a smirk trying not to laugh at my boss .

" morin Val.. I'm sowy for throwin a block at you" she says in the most cutest voice ever how can one say no to that face, I crouch down so that I'm at her height and smile at her " its okay sweetie im fine, now lets get you out of these horrible cloths shell we" I say picking her up and head inside and up to her room to fine her something cute and decent for her to wear. Once done we both head back downstairs and to my surprise Lorenzo is still here.

"aren't you going to work today" I asked confused " no actually " he replies " so why am I...Never mind" I say a bit confused " to be honest I like your company" he says which just makes my cheeks flush red, I look down trying to hide my face " oh...same here" I say while blushing, why does my body always betray me, in sure he meant nothing by it. "Xenia and I have already had breakfast by the way" he says, "Val can you get me my bunni from up there?" Xenia says pointing at the kitchen island I turn to her with a stern facial expression and arch my brow "I'll get it" Lorenzo says "Don't" I say stopping him in his tracks, he turns and looks at me confused, "Xenia sweetie aren't you forgetting something? I ask with a stern voice "pwease?" she asks so sweetly , I smile at her and Lorenzo gets it for her.

I hand it to her then take it back, she looks at me with a sad and angry look at the same time "okay lets try that again" I say looking at her, I hand her the bunny "twank you" she says reaching for it " your welcome" I say with a smile. I turn to Lorenzo and he looks amused, I feel my cheeks heating up " so what are we doing today" I ask no one in particular "can we go to the zoo Dada...Pwease" Xenia asked with a cute smile "sure princess since there isn't anything else to do" he says grabbing his keys and scoops up Xenia which makes her giggle. I watch him and I can tell that this little girl means the world to him maybe one day I will be able to experience that, having a child and being a parent, " you ready to go Valeria" he says snapping me out of my thoughts "yeah I am" I was trying to get out of my head "follow me" he says.

I follow him around the house until we arrive in the garage...and WOW! "this garage is bigger then my apartment!" I say in amazement " its nothing" he says with a chucked and to relaxed like he sees this every day, well aren't I stupid he does, when he chuckles it gives me butterflies inside. What the hell is going on with me? I need to get laid. I look at him and arch my brow "nothing really?" I say as he walks over to a red Lamborghini with Xenia in his arms, I just stand there with my mouth hanging open, he straps Xenia down in her car seat and turns to me with a smirk on his face DAMN HIM!

"aren't you going to get in?" he asked looking from me to his car "umm yeah" I say feeling my cheeks heat up again, I walk over to the car and analyse it "your care is hot by the way" I say getting into the passenger seat and Lorenzo hops in the driver seat "thanks" he says with a smirk, Lorenzo starts the car and it roars to life, did I mention that this car is HOT! He pulls out of the garage and heads to the zoo, TODAY SHOULD BE FUN!



Xenia and I are in the kitchen waiting for the chef to finish up our breakfast now, I decided that now is the time to ask about what she did to Valeria, "princess why did you throw a block at Valeria" I say looking at her with a stern face while she is sitting on my lap " I thought it would be funny dada" she says so sweetly " princess you cant throw things at people and think it is going to be funny, you could have really hurt her" I sat trying to see if she understands what I am saying I mean she is only three, but that still doesn't mean she should have done that "I'm sowy dada" she say looking down at her hands "no don't tell me sorry, when you see Valeria today, you tell her sorry do you understand me?" I say having a stern voice "yes dada I do" she says looking at me.

A few minutes later we are finished eating, I head up to Xenias room to wash her up and get her ready for the day. I don't have any business-related things to do today, so when I am done getting Xenia ready for today, I take a shower, brush my teeth and put on something casual. I am heading downstairs when I see Valeria just arrived and is coming towards the door which puts a smile on my face, but before she can knock, I open the door. This woman is going to be the death of me, I roam my eyes over her amazing body and when our eyes lock, she blushes. Does this woman know how beautiful she is? "good morning" she says looking at me with a smile, I mumble to myself agreeing with her hopefully she didn't hear me "what way that?" she ask, is she trying to get me to repeat what I said "ahem...nothing" I say and I can feel my cheeks head up fuck me dead what is going on with me, Xenia comes to my side and apologised to Valeria, Valeria accepts her apology and takes her to change her outfit cuz apparently I don't have taste in girls cloths.

When they came back down xenia asked Valeria to get her bunny, but Valeria just looked at her with an arched eyebrow and a stern facial expression, fuck me I wanna take her right now! Does she not understand how she is affecting me!? "I'll get it" I say heading to get the bunny "don't" she says, and I freeze in my spot and look at her confused "pwease" Xenia says, did I just hear correctly? Xenia asked, said pleas to someone other than me, that's a first. Valeria smiles and hands, it to her but she takes it back and looks at her like she was expecting something else "let's try that again" she says handing it to Xenia again and xenia tanks her, she THANKED HER! I look at Valeria who has a smile on her face. God that smile.

Xenia asked if we can go to the Zoo, I was still home and I tell her that I am not busy which obviously confused Valeria ,to why she is here but she doesn't say anything, I mean Xenia gave a suggestion that we should go to the zoo and I simply agreed. We head to the garage and Valeria is shocked, she complements my car and gets in, from there we head off to the Zoo