
Days passed slow. Not being able to get out of bed sucks but I won't complain when I have Lorenzo taking care of me day in and day out. We have to get ready for the Russian Mafia to get here in 3 days' time. I can't wait to see the people that I have called family for so long. Lorenzo and Carlos are on edge since Gavin left and I have no idea why. "for the last time I can get out of bed myself I have legs for a reason, you know" I said looking at Enzo, he adverts his gaze to somewhere else.

Okay what the fuck is going on. "hello, earth to asshole" I yell in his ear "what the fuck Val, you didn't need to do that. I could have dropped you" I start laughing at his reaction "well I wouldn't have to yell if you would look at me for time to time. Im starting to think you don't remember me" I looked down at my stomach, thinking a little bundle of joy.

Im still in shock about the whole thing. I know Lorenzo is fine with it, but he keeps asking about that day and im just not up to relive that whole drama right now. So, he stopped asking after a day or two. Tori is having a blast with Carlos, and im happy for her. She has someone who can look after her. "sorry Val, just have a lot on my mind right now" he says as he puts me down on the counter in the kitchen "I get it but both you and Carlos are acting weird around me and I hate it" I look at him ash he moves around the kitchen, trying to fine me something to eat, but no success.

I slid down off the bench and slowly walk over to him "please tell me what's going on" I plead with him and he looks at me with soft eyes " I just don't want to lose you again" aww he is cute "why would you lose me, I am right here and I am not going anywhere, unless you fuck up again" he looks at me and smiles "like I would do that again, I was just scared that I would get hurt again, and I hurt you instead, I should have told you to stay that morning, in bed instead I was a dick" I look at him and run my hand though his hair "yes you were a dick but look at this way, we have a bundle of joy in my belly so something came out of it" I said pulls his hand on to my stomach "yes and great sex" of course he says that "yes, yes" I nod my head and walk away.

"Val, there is something I was to talk about, over dinner say 7" okay is he trying to scare me "like a date" if it is he better not break my heart again "yes a date, I want to show you how much I care for you" oh really "is this just because im pregnant" I don't want to just have this baby then get discarded "no, Val I have been head over heal for you since that night at the club, and I want my girl to feel like she is loved" okay I feel like im going to cry, shit Lorenzo nice why to scare a girl "I have felt the same, you don't now how bad it hurt when you asked me to leave and that what happened shouldn't have happened, never in my life have I felt this way about anyone" I can feel tears run down my cheek. Stupid hormones "I know baby and I am sorry for what I did, lets have dinner and talk about this more, okay" he said walking up to me and placing a soft kiss on my lips. Oh, I could get used to those lips in other places. Fuck. I push my thighs together, shit I can be this turned on my a kiss "baby you okay" he asked as he pulled away, I look up at him, I feel like my face is red as a tomato "yeah im fine" I replied out of breath" he pills me into his cheat and bends to my ear "I know what you want, but I have a surprise after dinner, so can you wait" shit this makes it worse "sure" I whispered.

I leave the warmth of his chest and walk back upstairs, now that I can finally breath again, I can get ready for tonight. Its 5.30 now so I have an hour and a half to get ready. I really wish he told me earlier. I walk into the bedroom "Val" the most cuties girl cries out as I entered the room "hey sweetie what are you doing" I ask looking at her, she has cloths all other the place " im, helping, yo get ready for daddy" aww, this girl could still my heart but she has already don't that "yeah what shout I wear Xenia" I ask just as she pulls out a royal blue dress. Okay she has good taste or she picked it random "daddy likes blue" random, but she is cute though "okay then this dress it is, anything else baby" I move to the bed to sit down, I wonder where he is taking me. she walks up to me with a pair of black heals and a pair of black flats "these too, or these" she is good "lets go the flats, I don't know where he is taking me yet" she just laughs and hands me the flats. I have a felling she is in on this too. Very cheeky Enzo.

Xenia leave so I can get ready. I leave my hair down and apply a small amount of makeup, just enough to make my eyes pop. I slip into the dress, well one last chance to wear it before I become a whale. 7 on the dot Enzo walks into the room and his jaw dropped "you okay, you look like you're going fishing" I laughed "what no, you just look so beautiful" aww "well thank you kind sir" he laughs and takes my hand and leads me down stairs "okay where are we going" I asked as we walked past the kitchen "you will find out but first, put this one" he hands me a blindfold and I look at him with a raised brow "okay" he moved the blindfold over my eyes and makes sure I cant see anything, grabs my hand and leads me out of the house.

We weren't driving, so when he stopped the car, I freaked out. He opens my door, grabs my hand and leads me down what I think is a path, but I keep sinking. I can sell salt so I must be at or near a beach. We stop and lets go of my hand "okay baby when I tell you to take the blind fold off, do it okay" what "okay" he is moving around a bit, I wish I could see "now baby" I slowly take my blindfold off and I hit with the beautiful sunset over the water and my man standing behind the cutest girl ever. Xenia looks up at me with a smile. 'Baby, we haven't know each other for long, and we have had our ups and downs, but after everything with Gavin, it made me realise that I can't live with out you" shit im crying Xenia walks up to me and hands me a box. I open it and there sits a beautiful diamond ring "well you marry me"