I'm Forgetting About Something

"Who are you, Where am I ?" I ask.

"Shh" was all I was receiving from the other end.

Who was this person and what did they want?

"I'm sorry but why were you just standing there?" The person asks

I looked around the room but I didn't even see a person, So I jump out of the bed and start to walk around.

"Please don't try to find me I rather not see my fans right now" He tells me.

Fan, Fan who I don't even know the person's name.

"I'm No fan I just want my stuff to leave so I can book a room to sleep in," I say

"That's what they all say," He tells me

"Oh, so it's like a regular that you hit people with doors?" I ask

"That's not what I meant and you know it," He tells me.

I stand in the middle of the room and look down at my body "Somebody changed my clothes" I mumble to myself.

Am I slow or something there is a door sitting right there.

"Um sir I forgive you for hitting me with a door and I'm sorry that I was just standing there I was kinda in a daze, So um if you don't mind I will be leaving now," I say while walking to the door.

I pull on the door handle and the door won't budge.

"Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easy, What your name and birthday?" He asks

"What the heck I told you that I forgave you why are you locking me in here let me out you don't have the right" I shout

"Calm down and just tell me your name and how old you are, " He says once again

My heart is racing what the actual heck he can't do this well I think it's a he cause the person got's a deep voice but at the same time it's not right to assume the gender of a person.

"You want my name so bad come down here let me see your face and hear what your name is Mr. I Like To Trap 17-Year-Olds In Rooms And Harass Them" I shout out

He starts to laugh, I'm getting tired of people just laughing for no reason like who are they laughing at it better not be me.

"I'm coming short stuff, " He says while laughing

I look around and the same door I was trying to leave out of a tall guy comes in through. I don't know if it's a he because I'm short but he looks really tall.

"Ok so I know your age so what's your name ?" He asks

I guess I started to stare cause out of nowhere he says "Um do I look that good"

"Cocky much ?" I say

"Ok kid, what's your name?" He asks again

So annoying, Oh wait I have a better question

"Um sir where are my clothes I feel highly uncomfortable knowing that I didn't change out of my clothes so who changed me ?" I ask

I can't tell if he was shocked or not cause he's wearing a black hat and a mask. This sucks.

"Well I changed you because you had blood all over your clothes," He says

I look inside my pants and my junks out. "Well where is my underwear"

"I put everything into the wash" He replies

"Well, when will it be done?" I ask

"In an hour or two" He replies

"Can I leave when it's done ?" I ask

He shakes his head yes. My curiosity is driving me crazy. I walk up closer to him, he backs up.

"There's no way you're scared of me," I say

"I'm not scared but your scent is strong," He says back

I look down and sniff myself. I don't stink to me.

"Do I stink?" I ask

"No, It's a different scent" He replies

I look him up and down. I look around the room that only has a bed and a bathroom in it. I wonder why he's is hiding his face when I don't even have my phone on me. My phone !. Before I can ask anything he asks " What's your name?".

"My name is Jacob, Jacob Long, and what's your name," I ask

He answers me back saying " Just call me JJ" but I asked for his name I mean he knows mine. I've had enough, I walk up to him and quickly take off his mask and hat then I run to the bed which is on the other side of the room.

"Hey kid this is not a game give that back" He shouts

Did he think I was going to listen?

"I want to leave now I have somewhere to be and I can't tell if it's morning time or night time in this room so let me out" I shout back

I take a closer look at him while sitting on the bed it looks like he's wearing cat ears. I blink, but when I open my eyes he's standing right in front of me. I scream and hop on the other side of the bed. When I stand up I take a closer look and his teeth are a bit sharp. In my mind, I thought I was gonna die. I dash to the door and pull on the handle the door still won't budge. I turn to see where he is and he walking towards me I suddenly feel like one of the girls from the scary movies.

"Hey calm down what do you want from me" I shout out and get no reply.

"Do you want the mask back I can give it back?" I ask while tossing the mask near him.

He doesn't seem like he wants it anymore so I take my chance to dash to the bathroom and lock the door. Of course, the bathroom doesn't have a lock when I need one. What's something that can help me in a time like this come on Jacob think.

"I'm forgetting something" I shout.