First Night (1)

The reception ended a few hours ago, and here they are now a house that is no less luxurious than the house occupied by the Sanjaya family, the Mahendra family's residence. The stately mansion only contained a few Art and Danil after his mother died one year ago.

"this is your room." said Danil coldly as he opened the white door to the beauty.

"My room is at the end there, if you need anything, you just tell the maid, okay?"

Jelita only answered with a nod. after that Danil immediately turned around and left the beauty who was still loyal to stare at him with a sharp gaze.

Danil got into his sports car and drove the car at high speed.

her hand grabbed her smartphone which she put on the dashboard of the car and made a call to Ronald who was none other than her gay partner.

"hello honey .." came a voice from across the phone.

"Have you arrived at the hotel?" asked Danil

"sure, I've been waiting for you, hurry up."

"be patient dear I'll arrive soon."

"okey see you later."

and he turned off his smartphone and after a few minutes Danil arrived at the hotel where he was going to meet his girlfriend, Ronald.

Danil knocked on the hotel room door several times, and the door was immediately opened from the inside. Danil immediately entered and immediately crashed into Ronald's body, behind the hotel door which had just closed.

Danil kissed Ronald's lips gently, this is what Ronald likes from Danil, no matter how bad a Danil's mood is, he will still treat Ronald gently.

Danil pulled the nape of Ronald's neck so that their kiss was getting deeper, sucked and bit each other there, under there it was starting to tense up, Danil's hands had entered into the boxer that Ronald was using while being massaged and stroked the ends. Ronald really liked what Danil did to him.

"ach..please don't just give it a massage darling, shake it please." Ronald began to sigh of pleasure.

Ronald began to take off the clothes and boxers he was wearing, and finally he was naked. Danil began churning out Ronald's heirloom at a moderate tempo, as the kiss grew deeper and deeper.

It was not enough just with the scene, Danil began to squat and put Ronald's heirloom into his mouth, like a child eating his favorite lollipop, sometimes licked, smoked, sometimes bitten, and it succeeded in making Ronald sigh even more with pleasure, while gripping Danil's black hair. .

Ronald's broken object pulsed even more, indicating he was about to reach its climax. Danil adds a faster rhythm of licking and sucking on Ronald's proud rod. not long after that Ronald spat out the liquid in Danil's mouth. which immediately swallowed the liquid until it was crushed. Ronald's body limp.

with a limp body Ronald took the lubricant from the bag. Danil immediately took off the clothes and pants he was wearing and threw them at random. Now Danil's super body is plastered, then he starts rubbing the lubricant on his heirloom rod. then she started rubbing the rod on Ronald's buttocks, and not long after that, the rod filled Ronald's anal opening. Danil started to ramp up slowly, a second later the two of them started to sigh. and after a few minutes came a long sigh from the two of them. they climax.

Daniel pulled out his proud stem from Ronald's hole which was accompanied by a sigh from Ronald's mouth.

Danil hugged Ronald from behind and kissed the handsome man on the shoulder.

"Thank you dear." hearing the words from Danil, Ronald immediately turned his body to face Danil and kissed Danil's lips gently.

"You're welcome, even though I'm disappointed you married someone else."

"I'm sorry, I had to do this."

"Well, I know, do you want to take a shower or go to bed right away?"

"I want us to play one more time" and without warning, Danil scooped Ronald's chewy lips without giving Ronald a chance to answer what he said.