
Days changed days, Sundays changed, today Jelita spent her time in her room checking the reports sent by Rey. Since he left the pesantren, he has held a company owned by Danil's mother, without Danil knowing, because the company was never run by his mother, but by his assistant.

After a day struggling in the room and only accompanied by a laptop and office files, Jelita decided to go downstairs to get snacks in the kitchen, then sit on the sofa in front of the television, looking for Chanel that suits her taste, but couldn't, until her hand stopped moving the remote When his eyes saw Danil's face on the television, it was reported that Danil was caught kissing the opposite sex in a hotel.

Jelita reached into the pocket of her training pants, took out her cellphone and punched Rey's number.

"Assalamualaikum, Rey."


"Quickly find out what happened to Danil, I just saw the news .."


"Oh, you already know ..


"Alright, okay okay .. I'm waiting for news from you."



Not long after, Jelita heard the roar of a car entering the yard, Jelita jogged to open the door. Danil got out of the car when he was about to open the door, it turned out that the door was open from the inside.

"Assalamualaikum." said Danil.

"Waalaikumsalam." Jelita replied, taking her right hand to kiss.

"Danil .." said Jelita. Danil stopped.

"Have eaten?" Asked Jelita. Danil didn't answer but instead turned to look at Jelita, then hugged her tightly. Jelita gets nervous.

"Mmm ... Danil."

"Let me hug you for just a moment."

"I'll take you to the room ..." said Jelita after a while they hugged each other. Danil just nodded.

"Danil, you shower first, I have prepared warm water." Danil nodded.

"Jelita .."

"Yes .."

"Accompany me tonight."

"HAh" Jelita was shocked but immediately managed to neutralize her expression.

"Yes, I will prepare a meal for you, I'll wait below."

Danil nodded. then go into the bathroom. Meanwhile Jelita went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Danil.

Not long after, Danil was sitting at the dining table, Jelita then took a plate, poured the rice and side dishes for Danil.

After dinner, Danil invited Jelita to the back garden, sat on a digazebo, while carrying snacks, they sat facing the pool.

"Jelita." Jelita pay attention to Danil. then Danil continued his words.



"I didn't make a good husband."

"No, maybe not." Jelita replied.

"Jelita, I want to tell you something, maybe after this you will not forgive me."

"Say it, so you know I'll forgive you or not." Danil smiled.

"Jelita, I will never kill you."

"Anyway, when?" Jelita replied casually, as if she didn't know anything.

"our wedding night time." Danil looked down.

"I already know that." Jelita replied with a smile. Meanwhile, Danil wrinkled his brows, trying to believe what he just heard. Jelita knows about it.

"But they failed, right? Allah saved me."

"Jelita I'm really sorry."

"Then why do you admit it now? What other plans are you going to do?"


"I know you want to marry me because of your mother's request, and also to cover up your sexual disorder."

"I did have plans with Ronald to get rid of you again, but we didn't carry out the plan." Danil said

"Do you want to know why I turned to love a man?" Danil continued


"In the past, when I was in junior high school I once liked a girl who was still in elementary school, one day I confessed my feelings to her. And she refused, one day I kidnapped the girl and I .." Danil paused his sentence.

"And what?" asked Jelita.

"And I raped her, said the girl's mother. She was very traumatized, her family business was ruined because her parents were too focused on their child." Jelita hold tight in her chest.

"Then, do you know where the girl is now?"

"I don't know, I was too cowardly to know the truth. At that time I was really sorry until now, because of that regret, I didn't want to hurt women anymore, and I didn't want to love them until I met Ronald."

"If you find the girl what will you do?"

"I'll apologize to him, no matter what."

"Even if he asked you to marry her?"

"I married you how can I marry another woman?"

"But you don't love me."

"even though." Danil replied, without Danil knowing the pair of eyes beside him were already teary. but immediately he looked up so that his tears wouldn't drip.

"Does Danil really want to meet that girl?"

"Yes, so that my heart is calm."

"The girl is beside you now." Jelita answered without being able to hold back her tears. Meanwhile, Danil stared in disbelief at what he heard. Is it true that the woman he married was the girl he had hurt? Is it true? Then why did that girl still want to marry him ??

"I am that girl, Danil." Danil slumped from where he was sitting, he knelt down holding her legs. Meanwhile, Jelita was still sobbing with her hands covering her face.

"That means you are Aya, Jelita Sanjaya. Aya." Danil called Jelita's nickname when she was a child, thinking about that nickname.

"I'm sorry Jelita .. Forgive me .. hit me .. kick me .. you can do anything to me, even if you kill me, I'm sincere, as long as you forgive me."

"Maybe if you apologized to me first before I entered the pesantren, maybe I would not forgive you, but after being in the pesantren I was taught to give up what was our destiny, whether good or bad, that's the only way I recovered from my trauma, because I believe in Allah. surely planning everything that happens to his servant, even the leaves that fall on your feet are God's plans. And Allah's plans are never bad for his servants. And because of that I can forgive you. "

"Jelita .." Danil's head was bent over her beautiful lap, her body was shaking she cried violently.

"If you know I raped you, why don't you get mad at me, why do you want to marry me."

"Because I also want you to heal from your trauma."

"You mean?"

"I knew you were gay long before we got married, at that time your mother came to the boarding school to meet me, and tell me about your condition."

"What ?? So you know that I'm gay?"

"Yes, he's seen you hook up with Ronald in your apartment."

"Oh Allah .. mother .." Danil was hysterical.

"I don't want you to continue to be in the puddle of your guilt Danil, I'm fine, my family's business has improved, it's all because of your parents, they apologized on your behalf, and are willing to help my family, including paying all my education fees."

"Actually my parents have refused, but your parents insisted, they even threatened to kill you, if my parents refused help from your parents."

"So, your parents already know who I am?" Jelita nodded

"O Allah..Astagfirullahaladzim". "

"Repent, that is a condition to get forgiveness from me."

"Well, I will repent .. help me to change."

"Alhamdulilah, I finally heard those words, I will definitely help you, even though I have made plans to make you repent, but it has not been carried out, eh .. Allah's plan is more beautiful."

"We'll start from the beginning huh, you want it right?" asked Danil, raising his face to look at Jelita. "Jelita nodded, while knitting their foreheads, and holding each other's hands tightly.