
The clinking of forks and spoons becomes the added rhythm of Jelita and Danil's dinner. Danil, who used to wear a boxer at dinner, now politely wears a short-sleeved shirt and sarong as his subordinates, while Jelita usually wears a homemade robe and pashmina suit which she neatly wrapped around her neck. Now at the dining table not only the two of them but Pak Sapto and Mbok Rahmi who also enlivened the dinner.

"Pak Sapto, Mbok Rahmi, I apologize if all this time I have been rude and rude to you." Danil said after they finished their dinner.

Pak Sapto and Mbok Rahmi looked at each other, did not understand what to say, weren't the employers like that, at their own pace and according to them Danil was not as bad as the other employers, although they often act at will, but still in a reasonable stage.

"What do you talk about, your employer's name is like that, after all, we are here since Mr. Danil was a child, we are very familiar with Mr. Danil's condition. But honestly, we are happy now that Mr. Danil can smile after marrying Mrs. Danil."

"Doesn't Mas Danil never smile? It's hard to believe people as impossible as you can't smile."

"It's only with the mistress."

Hearing that, Danil only smiled a little, in his heart he was grateful that Allah brought him back with Jelita.

"Thank you Pak Sapto, Mbok Rahmi. I'm sure this is also thanks to your prayers."

"You're welcome, sir."

Danil got up from his seat and took Jelita's hand, linked his fingers tightly, walked hand in hand up the stairs and finally arrived at their room.

The atmosphere of the night is so calm, the twinkling of the stars and the moonlight shade is a wonderful combination for a beauty. Ayu's face grew many times more beautiful because of the moonlight. Danil kept looking at that face, the face that always bothered his mind, the face that made him so frustrated because of the ignorance he did to him in the past, the face of the little girl who became Danil's first love which made him turn 360 degrees into a gay, and the face of an adult girl. which made him also turn 360 degrees back into a real man.


"Hm." Jelita turned her head

"Did you hate me?"

"Really .. I really hate you, not even just me, even Rey really hates you, when he knew I had to marry you, he was very angry, he chose to go out of town during our wedding, instead of attending our wedding."

"Does Rey still hate me now?"

"Maybe not, he's a good person, he forgives people so easily even though he often acts silly, but I love him, he always supports me and trusts me." Jelita replied with a broad smile that did not escape Danil's observation.

"Luckily you and he are brothers and sisters."

"If not, why?"

"I'm afraid you will fall in love with each other, and you will not be with me, because I believe you will choose him over this evil me."

"You are bad." Jelita paused her words.

"But that was then." Jelita continued beforeJelita had not yet spoken out for words. Danil smiled, and pulled Jelita to stand closer to him.

"Forgive me."


"Forgive me."

"Uh huh."

"Kog, the answer is just that, I don't think so sincere."

"Yes, Mas Danil."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"So that's it."

"Ih Mas Danil, Sincerity doesn't need to be said, it's enough for me and Allah to know my sincerity."

"Yes, Sholehaku .."

"Eh .."

"Yes, yes, this sholeha is Danil Mahendra's wife." Danil said, his finger gently stroking Jelita's cheek.

"Already ah, Jelita is going to sleep." Jelita turned around to walk away from Danil who was still standing on the balcony.

"Aren't you sure?"

Jelita looked back at Danil.

"Let's sleep Mas Danil .." said Jelita while playing with her eyes flickering like a doll that ran out of battery. Danil laughed at Jelita's cuteness, then stepped ahead of Jelita and ..

"Aww .. It hurts." Danil pinched Jelita's nose anxiously, while Jelita followed Danil while stroking his nose which had become a victim of Danil's anxiety.

Puk Puk .. Danil patted the mattress beside him telling Jelita to get on the bed immediately.

"Don't go far."

Jelita shifted her body closer to Danil.

"Your heaven here is not there."


"Can you sleep with your back to your husband?"

Jelita turned to face Danil, and the opportunity was not wasted by Danil, she just hugged her tiny body in front of her, kissing her forehead repeatedly. And don't forget Danil's legs that twisted Jelita's body like twisting a roll. Shut up, and close your eyes. That's what Jelita did, without Danil knowing Jelita still had a little trauma if she remembered the rape that Danil had done to her, but as much as possible she tried to stay calm in front of Danil.

Danil looked at Jelita's closed face, uncovered the hair covering her face, stroked Jelita's face, and kissed the sweet lips presented in front of her, the usual kiss turned extraordinary when Jelita unconsciously lulled into the kiss and ended up wrapping each other's tongues. like afraid of letting go. Danil's kiss was getting crazy and crept into Jelita's neck, who was writhing feeling a sensation that she had never felt before. Danil's hands skillfully removed the top button and the two pajamas Jelita was wearing, but when Danil's kiss reached her chest. Jelita screamed hysterically.

"Don't! Don't Mas Danil. !!" Instantly Danil panicked, and tried to calm Jelita down.

"Jelita .. forgive me, Jelita open your eyes .. I will not repeat it again if you do not want it. Jelita forgive me, I beg you to open your eyes." Jelita still cowered in fear in Danil's arms, and slowly Jelita calmed down, she started to catch her breath. And there was a small sob from Jelita's lips, Danil hugged her tiny body tightly many times he kissed her forehead, wishing Jelita could be more calm.

"I'm sorry Jelita, until this is the result of what I did to you, I'm sorry dear."

Jelita hugged Danil back.

"Jelita also apologized, could not do the duties of a wife. Forgive Jelita."

"It's all because of me, you're not mistaken Jelita, if only I hadn't done that to you first, you wouldn't have been traumatized like this."

Danil's heart was cut as if he saw the reality of the results of his actions to Jelita, wanting to regret it was not possible, Danil took repentance repeatedly to ease his regret.

"Go to sleep, I promise I'll just hug you." Jelita nodded, and started to close her eyes. Meanwhile, Danil was still doing istighfar until he didn't feel like he fell asleep, hugging Jelita's tiny body.