
Silence enveloped the luxurious hospital where Ronald was being treated because the time to visit the patient had run out, but that did not apply to Danil. After he finished praying Isha and having dinner with Yogi, he rushed to the hospital to see Ronald.

In a luxurious ward with all the amenities, Ronald leaned against the head of the bed, his hands held his smartphone, and on his lap sat a laptop and several files that he had to sign. That's the other side of a Ronald, a hard worker, a reliable businessman and highly respected by his business partners, as is Danil.


"Waalaikumsalam, finally here you are, I think you don't remember me." To be honest, Ronald really missed Danil, but what was in the room was not only the two of them, but there were Yogi and Arga, Ronald's assistant. Hearing a tone of welcome from Ronald, Danil knew that his gay partner was sulking, but Danil had promised Jelita that he would recover, and only belong to Jelita.

"How are you, are you better?"

"As you can see, I'm all right."

Danil pulled the chair beside Ronald's bed.

"Well, you're already fine in fact you can already work."

"Did you just come here to say that?"

"Of course, thank God you're feeling better, so there's nothing I need to worry about anymore."

"Then please go home, sorry for your wife waiting at home." Really Ronald didn't really say that, he just wanted to test Danil, used to be that whenever Ronald was sick then Danil would be happy to take care of him all the time, pamper him and hug him all night. And that's what Ronald now hopes, he doesn't want to lose Danil. But the reality now is that Danil pulled his chair back and got up from the seat, then said goodbye to go home.

"You're right I have to go home soon, Jelita must have been waiting for me. Get well soon and follow the advice of the doctor, okay."

Really Ronald didn't believe this, he was wasted, wasted, Danil didn't love him anymore, Danil didn't want him anymore.

"I'll go home first, Assalamualaikum."

"Waalaikumsalam." Don't think that this is Ronald's voice, of course not, it is Arya's voice who answered Danil's greeting, because Ronald chose to stare at the laptop in front of him instead of having to look at Danil's departure, let alone answer his greeting.

Yogi and Arya do not realize what really happened to their boss. They think the tension that occurs between their boss is because of Ronald's actions to Danil's wife, and no one thinks that Ronald is feeling jealous and extraordinary loss.

Danil came out of Ronald's room followed by Yogi.

"Shall we go straight home, sir?"


"Sorry sir, I just saw Mr Rey enter the mosque, do you want to greet him first?"

"No, let's just go home."


"At first I did not believe, if your wife is a half-sister of Mr. Reynald, Mr. Ronald's younger brother."

"Yes, actually I was also very shocked by the fact, because as far as I know Ronald's brother died when he was a child."

"Mr Rey is very kind, and also very humorous, very different from Mr Ronald."

Danil just smiled, they had arrived at the main door of the hospital, and Danil's car was waiting there.

Yogi drove the car at medium speed, the atmosphere of the road that was not too crowded made Yogi go a little faster, his boss's car. until soon they arrived at Danil's residence.

Unexpectedly by Danil, it turned out that Jelita was waiting for him on the porch while reading a book accompanied by Mbok Rahmi.


"Waalaikumsalam." Jelita kissed Danil's hand, and Danil kissed Jelita's forehead. Mbok Rahmi took Danil's briefcase and brought it to Danil's office.

"Sorry sir, excuse me to go home first."

"You don't stay here?"

"No sir, I'll just go back to the apartment, I still have work to do for miting tomorrow."

"You go home to the apartment, and rest, it's already late, your work continues tomorrow." Yogi is stunned to hear Danil's words, indeed for several days Yogi has felt a change in his boss, has become religious, and now he has added attention to a Yogi who is usually always bothered by Danil's timeless work.

"Why are you silent, just take my car, tomorrow morning let Pak Sapto take me to the office, you just wait for me at the office."

"Yes sir, excuse me." Yogi turned around but suddenly stopped walking when Danil teased himself with a greeting.

"Waalaikumsalam, Yogi."

"Sorry sir, Assalamualaikum." Yogi grinned and scratched his nape which didn't actually itch.

Danil and Jelita smile widely after tricking Yogi. Maybe after Jelita, Yogi was an easy target for Danil's next prank.

"Have you eaten Mas Danil?"

"Already with Yogi."

"Oh, I will go with Ronald."

"What if I'm with Ronald? Are you jealous?"

"Uh, it's useless."

"It's useless but hit this sweet lips pouting." Danil said, tapping Jelita's lips with his finger.

"Already, let's go in .. it's cold outside."

"Yes, here Mas Danil hug so it's hot."

"I don't want to, Mas Danil doesn't smell like a shower yet." Jelita walked ahead of Danil, who was closing the door and rushed after his wife to the room.

"Mas Danil took a shower, I have prepared warm water."

"Okay honey, thank you, Mamas take a shower first, so you can hug you."

"What the hell, Mas Danil, have you showered." Jelita pushed Danil's body into the bathroom.

Jelita prepared Danil's pajamas and put them on the bed. Then she stepped onto the balcony and sat on the wooden swing, which Danil had purposely provided for her.


Jelita's cell phone rang, you could see an incoming message from Rey on the screen.

[Ronald was angry at the hospital]

[Ha, what do you do Rey, what are you doing?]

[I am fine. Arya said earlier that Danil was visiting Ronald?]

[Yes, he just got home, did something happen between them that made Ronald angry]

[Arya said nothing happened while Danil was here, but I think Ronald didn't like Danil's indifference]

[What should we do Rey? I'm afraid that Ronald will do bad again]

[I will try to be someone close to Ronald, I will not let him experience this alone, this must be very hard for Ronald, but let it be, maybe in this way Ronald can quickly wake up and want to take therapy like Danil.]

[Hopefully Rey, you take care of Ronald, tomorrow morning I'll start going to the office regularly.]

[All right, you be careful, Jel.]

[Yes you too]

Danil kisses Jelita's cheek from behind, suddenly makes Jelita flinch in surprise, then Danil goes around the wooden swing and sits beside Jelita.

"I predict that soon you will hug me."

Jelita was stunned to hear Danil's words following a conversation in a teen film.

"What Danil, who wants to hug, use another pretense, follow all the movies."

"So you don't want to hug, even though it smells good ... I'll regret it later."

"Yuck Danil .."

"Okay, if you don't want to hug, let me hug you."

And sure enough, Danil immediately took Jelita into his arms.

"So what's the matter? Why did your face look so serious earlier?"

"What did you talk to Ronald earlier?" Jelita looked up to see the expression on Danil's face.

"Nothing important, actually I wanted to cut my relationship with Ronald but the situation did not allow for that, so I chose to go home after seeing he was fine."

"Rey said Ronald was furious after you left."

"Let it be, Ronald is not the type to be angry for too long, he will also be fine again by himself."

"Hopefully ronald can follow in Danil's footsteps to change and get better"

"Amen .... Let's sleep already late."


Danil took Jelita's hand into the room, Danil grabbed the blanket that was under the bed and put it on with Jelita who was curled up in his arms.