Who are they?

Exactly at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Danil prepared to pick up his little wife for lunch together, grabbed the coat hanging on his oversized chair, and the car keys on his desk. Danil whistled cheerfully out of his room.

"Yogi, I'm going first, maybe I'll be late for work later, because I have to take Jelita to the hospital to visit Ronald, you handle it first if a guest comes."

"Okay, boss,"

"Okay then, I'll go first."

"Siip, be careful Boss." Yogi answered casually, it's their habit when outside office hours they will act like friends, because Yogi and Danil have known for a long time, even Danil is the one who pays for Yogi's college because he sees his tenacity and loyalty at work.

Yogi used to be just an ordinary intern, when he was an apprentice Yogi's parents were sick and needed a lot of money then Yogi was forced to leave college, even though he was at the end of the semester, until one day Yogi and Danil met at a hospital at that time Danil was dropping off his mother for health control, while Yogi is waiting for his sick parents.

Danil remembers Yogi's face that had helped him several times at the office. From there Danil helped Yogi's finances, starting from his mother's treatment to his tuition fees until he graduated and got a Bachelor's degree.

Yogi is very grateful that he was met with Danil who helped him with all his troubles, so he promised to be by Danil's side and help Danil forever, until now he serves as Danil's assistant and secretary.

Danil got into his car, a few moments later the car that Danil was driving was already mixed with other vehicles that packed the streets. several times Danil honked his horn because he was about to overtake the vehicle in front of him.

Danil looked at the black car that was always behind him, he thought the car just happened to be behind him, but how many turns did the car keep following Danil, Danil began to suspect, then he increased the speed of his car, he took a slightly rounded direction so as not to direct arrived at Jelita's company.

Danil is very good at driving his sports car, he turns several times through the narrow village streets, making the stalker overwhelmed, seeing his opponent is far behind, Danil calls Jelita to wait for him in the back door basement parking, usually the door is only for office operational cars.

"Assalamualaikum, honey."

"Waalaikum dear, where is Mas Danil? Why haven't you arrived at Jelita's office in a long time."

"Now you wait in the back door basement parking, I'll wait in front of the elevator okay, I'll tell you later."




After contacting Jelita Danil immediately stepped on the gas and turned on the horn then turned the car into the basement of Jelita's company. Almost all employees recognized Danil's car, so no one dared to reprimand him even though Danil drove his car at a speed above the rules. Luckily it was still lunch time so all the cars were parked neatly in their place, and no one was queuing at the basement door.

Danil immediately stopped his car right in front of the elevator door to wait for Jelita to come down. Meanwhile, since Jelita received a call from her husband, she rushed to get her backpack, and left her office and headed straight for the elevator.

Danil leaned his back against the back of the car seat, his broad chest rising and falling rapidly in line with his still ragged breaths.

"Damn it, who are those people?" Danil muttered as he took out his cell phone from his pocket and immediately called Yogi.

"Hello Yog..."

"Yes Boss."

"Please check who owns the license plate number of the car I sent you, someone just followed me, please investigate."

"Yes Boss."

"Okay, I'll send you the car number."

"Okay Boss, I will investigate immediately. Is boss okay? Do I need to contact the boss's men to escort you Boss?"

"No need, later you go to my wife's office, I'll live in my car, I'll use Jelita's office car."

"Okay Boss."

"Thanks Yogi."

"You're welcome Boss."

Shortly after hanging up the phone, Jelita knocked on Danil's car door.

"Assalamualaikum, sir."

"Waalaikumsalam dear," Danil answered as he opened his car door and stretched out his hand to Jelita, Jelita kissed her husband's hand, Jelita was surprised why Danil's hands were sweating even though Danil's car was using air conditioning, Jelita was very sure that something had happened.

"Mas Danil why? Mas Danil is sick? or is there something wrong?" Jelita asked while her hand touched Danil's forehead, making sure Danil didn't have a fever.

"Where's your office car, we'll just use your office car, I'll tell you a story later as we walk."

Jelita nodded and immediately contacted her office car driver, to take the car to the back basement, five minutes later the driver came with the car Jelita ordered.

The car is usually used by company officials to pick up clients from abroad or if they have a meeting outside the office.

Danil opened the passenger door beside the driver for Jelita, after that he got into the driver's seat, and started to drive his car out of the basement parking area.

"What's the matter, sir?" Jelita asked who was very curious about what had happened. Danil sighed before answering his wife's question.

"There was someone following me when I came out of the office, so I didn't go through the front door, because I was afraid he would know where I was going, and would put you in danger." Danil replied as he occasionally looked at his wife's beautiful face.

"Mas, actually this morning after you left for the office, I also got a black call, he threatened to harm you, but I don't know who called me."

"Is it true?"

"Yes, that's why I called Danil this morning, I was afraid that Danil was going to be on the road."

"We have to be careful Jelita, we don't know who is after us."

"Mas Danil, do you have any enemies all this time, Mas Danil?"

Danil frowned, trying to remember who had the most ambition to finish him off, and his thoughts turned to his own uncle, Richard Mahendra, but should he tell his wife that? Daniel took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

"I think all business people must have enemies, but if they want to finish me off, or harm me, I really don't know."

"Should we go to the police?"

"Not yet, let's see how far the development goes, if they have other actions after this, but I beg you Jelita, you never go anywhere alone, someone must accompany you, be it Pak Atmo or Pak Santo." Danil said with feelings that were very worried about his wife.

"Yes, Mas Danil, you don't need to worry, I can take care of myself, may Allah always take care of us, Mas."

"Amen, now where are we going to eat?"

"Let's just buy food, then how about we eat at the hospital with Mamah and Ronald?" Jelita said she was careful because she had to invite Danil to meet Ronald, because Jelita was sure that the feelings of the two men were very deep, it was impossible to get rid of them easily.

"Okay, where are we going to buy food? You tell mama so she doesn't look for food out, tell her if we want to eat there."

"Okay, let's buy food at the usual place, mas."

"Okay." Danil directed his car to his favorite restaurant, while Jelita immediately took out her cellphone and then typed a message to her mother who was waiting for Ronald at the hospital.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant that Danil and Jelita were going to, because Jelita had ordered online so they just had to take their order, then head to the hospital where Ronald was being treated.