Papa's hero

After doing various health checks and similarities in blood types, Humaira finally concluded that Matt could transfuse his blood to Ramond. And that brings relief to everyone. Especially Arlita and Ronald who have raised Ramond from infancy until now.

Matt was already prepared in a special room to immediately transfuse his blood to Ramond, as well as Ramond had been transferred to a special room next to the bed with Matt, who had a device inserted into his vein first.

Everyone in the family could only wait and watch how Matt was transfused his blood to Ramond through the transparent glass wall outside the room. No one is allowed into the room except the doctor or nurse.

"My grandson is very strong right, Arlita." Mr. Gordon said as he looked at Ramond who was lying weakly on the bed.

"Yes, he is very strong, Om." Arlita answered while wiping her tears that kept falling without her asking.