The Papal Coronation (7)

"Many years to you!" many voices shout out in St. Peter's Basilica.


The sound of something slamming to the floor is loud, combining with how the Basilica, as well as other churches, is designed to make the sound echo so that people in the churches could hear the Mass and the chant, so the BAANG sound silence all the the shouts of the people.

It was Benedict who slammed his pastoral staff to the floor.

"We do NOT allow shouting, even if it is for acclaiming someone, to take place in churches. Remember that this is the house of God, God truly reside here." Benedict admonishes the people, while turning to the Tabernacle and bow down reverently.

Many Cardinals, Bishops and other clerics silently nod their heads, agreeing with Benedict.

"Let the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass begin!" said Benedict.

However, before the Mass begin, the archdeacon brings out all the vestments of the Holy Orders and puts them before Benedict. The archpriest and the archdeacon then help Benedict take off the mitre, the chasuble and the gloves along with the ring. Then Benedict, with the help of the two, puts on the white tunic of the subdeacon, over his white stole, then the white dalmatic of the deacon, then the chasuble of the priest once again, finally the gloves, the ring and the mitre.

Taking his pastoral staff, and with the help of the two since the vestments are too big and long for him, Benedict goes before the main Altar, makes the sign of the Cross, bends his knees and begin to say Prayers at the foot of the Altar.

"This is it, Our first Mass."

Benedict then goes up to the Altar, while incense is used. The Missal is then opened to the Mass of Papal Coronation Mass, and Benedict says the Introit in Latin, the choir also sings the Introit for the people to hear.

Then standing at the center of the Altar, Benedict turns to the people, saying the first verse of the Gloria, which the Angels sang at Christ's Birth at Bethlehem:

"Gloria in excelsis Deo. ..."

And the choir also chant the Gloria.

Then the young Pontiff says the Collect prayer, and then a 2nd Collect prayer to commemorate the Sunday.

Then the Epistle is chanted by a subdeacon, another subdeacon from the Greek Church chants the Epistle in Greek after it was chanted in Latin, after which the Gradual is sung by the choir. White Benedict sits on his Papal Throne, listening.

All people in the Church then stand for the Gospel, which is chanted by the archdeacon to the people.

The Gospel is taken from the Gospel of St. John, retelling the story of Jesus thrice asking St. Peter: "lovest thou Me?".

"When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon son of John, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He said to him the third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep. Amen, amen I say to thee, when thou wast younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk where thou wouldst. But when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and lead thee whither thou wouldst not. And this he said, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had said this, he saith to him: Follow me." (St. John 21:15-19.)

Benedict remembers his catechism class, in which his parish priest said: "With the three replies 'Feed my lambs', 'Feed my lambs' and 'Feed my sheep', Jesus gives Peter the authority over His whole Church, without exception."

A deacon from the Greek Church also chants the Gospel in Greek, after it had been chanted in Latin.

White the Gospel is being chanted, Benedict looks at the Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Suddenly, he hears a voice says to him: "Feed my sheeps, Benedict." from the Cross.

("Yes, Lord, it's a obligation for me . . . Us to fulfill Thy's Will.")

After the Gospel is the sermon, which is delivered by the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. Then the Credo, in which everyone professes the basic belief of Christianity.

Then Benedict says the Offertory prayers, offers up to God the bread and wine that will be consecrated to become the Body and Blood of Christ. After the Offertory, Benedict changes from a white mitre to a gold mitre, on which is an icon of the Blessed Virgin and several precious gems.

And it is finally time for the Consecration.

Benedict holds the unleavened bread by using the thumbs and the index fingers of both hands, saying:


Then to the surprise of many, he lifts up the Body of Christ, after putting Christ down on the paten, he kneels down on one knee.

"What is he doing? Lifting up the Body of Christ!!!" asked many clerics. [1]


And likewise, Benedict lifts up the Chalice of the Blood of Christ and kneels down.

The whole process, Benedict avoids touching anything with his thumbs and index fingers, as they had touched the Body of Christ and need to be purified first before touching something else, to avoid small pieces of the Body of Christ is lost.

After many prayers and preparation for receiving Communion, Benedict consumes the Body of Christ and drinks the Chalice of His Blood, completing the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Benedict holds a ciborium, containing the Eucharist, steps down the Altar and goes to the kneeler where many clerics and faithful come to receive Christ from him.

"Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen." - "May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul to everlasting life. Amen." said Benedict each time before he puts the Host on each recipient's tongue.

The first faithful to receive Communion today is Count Alberic III, who kneels down on the kneeler, opens his mouth, showing the tongue, ready to receive the Lord.

When Benedict sees the Count, he cannot help but feel disdain for this man. Immediately, he gives the ciborium to the archpriest assisting him in giving Communion.

"Archdeacon, We need to purify Our hands."

The Count is completely puzzled by his son's action.

After the purification, Benedict puts on the gloves, the ring, the mitre, holding his pastoral staff then faces the Count.

"Count Alberic III of Tusculum, We EXCOMMUNICATED you from the One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church for manipulating papal election and buying Holy Orders!!! ANATHEMA!"


[1] Before the 14th century, priests did not lift up the Host and the Chalice after the Consecration. The lifting up the Host and the Chalice is for the faithful to see the Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and adore Him.