School. day. adventure tour. what Gibson called. begin. Belle leaned her butt on one of the teacher 's cars. crossing her arm. she shakes her head unbelievable. She still cannot believe her mother forced her into this trip. her father won't let her but her mother does.

This is outrageous. It's a scandal. she cannot join this trip. she is just recovering from her death sickness and now this. What's the matter? climbing. the trail. what the - her eyes on Gibson as he walks toward the crowd of students.

"Okay listen up. gathered round. handed your form. make sure your parents know about this. if not. I must send you back home immediately."

a student got in line and handed the form to him. "Get on the bus. come on quickly. don't waste time." he said. his eyes searched for Belle. and he found her.

"Come on quickly." he said again toward the others till the last student got on the bus. He walked toward Belle with a smile.

"The form please." he asked. "I bet your mother signed it already. form please."

she looked him in the eyes. standing steadily. She glares at him then walks. before she could. Gibson grabs her arm roughly. turning her back to him. now his eyes on her. He jerked his eyes to show her how much he was mad at her behavior. since they two met. She never respected him even though he saved her life.

"Do not turn away from me Miss Belle." he gritted. her eyes widened. "I suggest you listen to me or I will do worse on you. gives the form."

he snatched the form in her hand. and suddenly his thumb brushes on her lips on purpose. said. "Get inside the bus. we're getting late because of you."

Long way ride. Belle sits on the right side of the bus. She sat beside the window at the back. the student is having their own fun by singing and dancing on the bus while she is not. weren't interesting things she liked too. She leaned the side of her head taking sleep and rest.


"What do you want, Bobby?" she said without opening her eyes.

"Chill. have some fun."

"I don't need fun. I need rest and my bed."

silent. He spoke back. "I know. we all know what you like but -" he's eyes on Gibson. then back to Belle.

"Mr.Gibson asked me too. He wants you to have some fun and not like this. Come on, Belle. you should have some fun."

"Did he ask me why you do that?."

"How do you know?." silent. He spoke back. "In that case. I should go ahead. try looking for fun, Belle. entertain yourself."

Then he walked back to his place. Gibson is eyeing on them two. still no response from Belle. Did she hate him that much? no one knows. Neither did he. Maybe there's a reason why she behaves like that. She wants him to stay away from her. not get close to her. but he can't.

he cannot stay away from her not an inch. He wants her beside him forever. no matter what. He wants her. she took his heart and she was gonna pay for that.

Hanging lakes. colorado. day. Belle is the last person out from the bus. She looked around her. well - she admits the place is beautiful. but what makes it not beautiful is Gibson. his eyes never stopped looking for her.

she caught his eyes. then walk toward the crowd.

"Guys." he smiled. "Before we start. let's have some fun first then..? we gonna have more fun."

The crowd is cheering. The boys started to take off their clothes then jumped into the water. followed by the girls. Belle watches the scene. as the place isn't peaceful. so she decided to look for a place to hide. and she did. She walked backwards. She found one of the big trees then hid there. She doesn't want Gibson to find her here. never.

she hears him.

"Careful guys. this is not a waterpark."

he didn't realize that Belle had gone from his sight. so he took a seat at one of the rocks nearby. book on his laps. smile. He glanced towards his student then down his laps. reading.

behind the trees. Belle takes a peep. she saw him reading. gladly. She now lives in peace. breathing. she leaned her back resuming her sleep.

later moment. she noticed something staring at her. She feels heavy around her. She doesn't want to open up her eyes as she wants to continue to sleep more. But things..? weird. someone is watching her sleep.

gently her eyes lid open. shocking. she saw him sit, stare in front of her with a smile. He watched her sleep all this time. her eyes widened. She looked around. her classmates are still in the water.

"I believe you enjoyed your nap Miss Belle. trying to avoid me? or hide from me."

silent. He spoke back. "You're beautiful. even when you sleep. You amused me with your charm. now. I hope you had enough sleep. I must teach you a lesson."

he rose up. walk toward his student. glanced over his watch. He called out.

"Guys. come on. it's time to get changed. before going back. but first. after changing. we sit circling around. while I read you a story."

evening later. the student rushed into the bus, taking their seat. include Belle. Gibson was behind her. notice the driver seat is empty. He looked around and searched for the driver who brought them here.

his eyes from a far saw the driver running toward him in rushed. he stood in front of him panting. the driver patted his chest. searching for air to breathe. before he spokes.

"What happened?." asked Gibson. "Why are you running, Mr. Isaacs? something wrong? or something chasing you behind."

again. the driver patted his chest.

"What is it..?."

"You will not believe this but you must, Mr. Gibson. as I was in the toilet. I heard the visitor saying something. so I greet them to know the truth. I did. it's the worst."

blinked. Gibson asked. "Then tell me."

"There's a collapse. a mass on the road top from the cliff down. rock everywhere. the same road we came here. there's no way out. there's no turn. I believe we are trapped here. not just us. the others too."

the driver point. heavy breath. the driver spokes back. "Check out your phone signal. nothing. the mass destroys everything."

quickly Gibson slipped his hand inside his pocket. pulled out his cell and he checked the signal. nothing. no bars are activated. panic. his cold sweat started to drip down his sideburn. this will not gonna happen but it did happen. how suddenly the mass collapses everything.

suddenly his eyes on the bus. He saw Belle sitting on the back. He needed to protect her no matter what.

"And I do believe the students already realize what happened."

he gasps. "Mr. Isaacs. The students are ours, especially mine. if you have anything to survive please do. start doing the fire while I try to look for food. this is not gonna happen. We ran out of food and water supplies. we don't know how long it's gonna take."

The driver studied Gibson's face a bit. "GO!."

"Mr. Gibson?!."

he stopped. one of the students rushed toward him. said. "Is it true?."

"About what?."

"That we are stuck in here. we can't get any signal. they start to worry. what the hell is going on."

The student named Zachary looked around. then turn to Gibson. "Come. I might need all boys with me."

Gibson and Zachary rushed inside the bus.

"Listen up. guys. all my students. Please do not panic. I know all of you realize what happened and the truth is - the mass collapse on the road. the same road we came in here. not just us. others too. I need boys to come with me to find something like food, water, anything. just today. and tomorrow we're gonna be fine then we go home."

Gibson eyes on Belle again. "Boys came with me and girls stayed here. try to get a signal. if you did, let the parent know and not panic. we are all gonna be fine. just I told you."

Belle looks outside. She was glad that they weren't alone. there's couple and family are here too. trying to get helped. She reached her cell inside her pocket. still no signal to get help. She prayed. and prayed hoping tomorrow will be okay and return safely.

This is all Gibson's fault.