Somewhere. nowhere place. deep inside the wood. there a cabin stood. huge cabin where people not knowing the cabin do exist till now. inside the cabin. fully furniture are displayed and there's a man stood front the window with cup of coffee in his hand. gently he take sip with smile. the man is Gibson.

he admit. his the one who made this chaos. his the one who gives those gift. his the one who made Belle life in fear. he cannot life without her on his side. he want her. he just wanna be with her. she tormented him and she became his obsession. everytime he watch her, she makes him feel to touch her. they will be together forever and that his promise to her.

he sip the coffee again. he take a step back away from the window. the cabin look expensive. of course. the cabin he and Belle will life together in one roof. he prepared everything. about the alaska thing? he did. but no deadly grandma what so ever thing involved. after a weeks he follow her, she went back to school then he fly to alaska to meet his long time friend.

he told his friend about Belle and how to keep her with him. with the advise of his friend, he make his final decision. and he wants Belle. back to Decker's family. he saw fear in Belle's mother. of course she will. she's her mother. a mother will do anything to protect her daughter. he will do the same thing if Belle bare his child.

he smilling himself. he can't imagine how they two having a baby. a perfect family he wanted too. one day he will - together with Belle.

since Gibson missing in action. now he must return. of course with fake news that he'd married to someone he know in alaska. how stupid they are believing in him. he slopped his hand inside his pants, reaching something inside his pocket. slowly he pull out a ring then wearing it on his left finger. to show the world that he married. officially fakes marriage. he will not married to another woman beside Belle. he want Belle to be his wife. only hers.

"Yes?." said Gibson. someone on the phone with him.

"Are you ready to go back?."

Gibson straighten his tie as he stood in front of the mirror. charming and handsome as usual. with this face God made it for him, with this face - Belle hated him while the others girl trying to get him. people loves, adore him but not Belle. the love of his life hated him very much. how that possible? they two are meant to be.

"Show time."

Decker's house. as the same day. morning. Belle eat cereal with milk. her mother makes pancake. this morning, Belle eating like a monster. like she never eat for a years. she eat one bowl of cereal and lots and lots of pancake with syrup.

She like been possessed by hungry ghost or something. her mother saw how she snatch the pancake from the plate and stuffing into her mouth. curious. pregnant? no she wasn't.

"Honey?." said Molly. "Having period or bad day? you scared me."

Belle look down her plate. looking messed. she didn't realise what she did. all she know her tummy are asking her to stuffed more and more food inside. she reach another pancake without answering her mother.

"Belle?!" Molly slamming her fist on the table. "STOP this!." she demand. "What is wrong with you?."

Belle stop. she look into her mother eyes. she about to growling at her but - "I'm hungry."

"I know. doesn't mean you have to act like a wild animal when you eating. what kind a spirit possessed you this morning."

Belle shrugged. all she know is hungry - hungry and more hungry. again she snatch more pancake and eat it.

Losing mind. her mother reach the newspaper and folded it tightly. bitting her lips. Smack!!

"Oww!!" Belle stop. she rub side of her head. her mother just smack side of her head with the newspaper. "Why you do that for?." she asked.

Again. her mother folded back the newspaper. tighten she grip. and she about to smack her daughter head again. but stop as Belle raise both her arm. surrender.

"STOP it! I'm just hungry that's all." grunting. she wiped her mouth with cloths. "Something are about to happen today." she guess. "Something or someone."

"Doesn't mean you have to eat like that."

Belle glanced over her wristwatch. late. she pushed her chair run toward the sink. washing her hand and kiss her mother cheek goodbye. the mother can hear Belle slammed the door shut harder behind.

Molly then push her chair then walk over the window to see Belle. outside the Decker's house. we can see how fast Belle running to school. the mother shook her head in smile.

As she arriving at school. panting as hell. she walk toward the corridor. she saw Emma leaning on her locker door talking with other student. Belle stood beside her.

"Morning." said Belle in low voice. "I'm late."

"The bell not ringing yet. you early. and you running."

Belle nod. of course she running. her eyes looking for someone. "Have you see, Jake."

"Not this morning. haven't you two texted each other."

"We did."

"Then?." Emma stare her. "You sound ridiculous." after she said. the school bell ring. quickly Belle unlock her locker door and grab her things.

Then the girl walk separately way. "See you."

Exhaling. Belle walk towards her classroom. she get on her sit, exact moment Jake enter with smile as his eyes on hers. she blushed looking down her laps. she can feel his presence beside her. he drag the chair and sit on it.

"I miss you." whisper Jake as he leaning side of her. she turn to him. eyes on each. "There's no way I forget you even we texted each other." then he sloped his hand inside his bags.

Her eyes were watching he then pulled out two tickets from his bags. he show her. "We going movie date tonight." he smile."

"Movie night?." she asked.

He nod. "I know you working tonight. but -"

"I can. oh yes. we going tonight. I text my girlfriend later." the couple smile.

Moment later. someone enter the classroom. with bag and smell of coffee through her nose. a familiar cologne she totally forget about it. she know this cologne belong to whom. she know the rhythm of heavy footstep walking in. she know who.

Her corner eyes saw familiar figures walking in. slowly she turn to front whereas the teacher desk stood. and there is Gibson standing in smile. he's back. her jaw dropping, her eyes widen open. how is this possible. he's alive and here he is. in her school.

His smile greeting the rest of the class. he put down his coffee on the desk. bags down on the floor. he smile again. his eyes stopping at her. now her eyes meeting his. she gulped. she saw his left finger as he lifted it. a golden ring. and he was right all this. he officially married to someone in alaska. but how?

"Hello again." Gibson said. "I'm truly sorry as my suddenly on leave. as you guys know my grandma and about my marriage." he lifted his finger. "And yes. I married. officially."

Later. school bell ring for next class. students quickly rushed out from the class toward the corridor. follow by Belle and Jake behind. Gibson stop the couple. she turn to him and Jake too.

"You may leave, Mr. Harley. I need to speak with Ms. Decker a little." he smirk.

Jake nod and leave her behind with Gibson. he still don't know whom Gibson to hers. he still don't this Gibson, is Belle talked about. watching Jake leave. he turn to her.

"How are you, Ms. Decker?." he asked. "Don't you miss me?." she turn to him in anger. he raise his hand up in the air. he smile again. "I'm kidding. and of course you don't." he clear his throats, straighten his tie. "How's your family? it's been long time I see."

Belle keep her lips shut not wanting to answer his question. all in her mind right now why his coming back in here? what on purpose his in here. and act like nothing happen. she doesn't care about him but she wanting the truth from him.

"Is it you?." an sudden Belle asked him. "Is it you in Ripley's museum with me?." he blinked. she asked him again. "Was is you?."

"I don't know what are you talking about, Ms. Decker. who you mentioned to. me? with you? ripley's - what are you trying to said, Ms. Decker."

She shake her head. "Nothing." she blinked, eyes up on his. "Welcome back, Mr. Gibson and congrats of your marriage."

"Thank you." he smile. show her his ring. "Coincidence I think. perhaps someday I like to visit to your house, meet your family again and this time with my wife."

She nod. "Maybe. I asked my mother first." she turn her feet about to leave but she stop pacing him back. "We got new neighbour. a family life next ours - your previous house."

"Glad to hear." he smile. "Are they nice?."

"Never spokes. we never had conversation since they moved in." she sudden chuckles. "Well, I think you the good neighbour we had."

She breath the exhaling. fake smile. she said. "Good day, Mr. Gibson." then she's out from his class toward the corridor. grabbed her things inside the locker then she goes for the next class.

Gibson behind are watching. his arm on his chest he nodding his head for no reason. how he missed her. how he missed her scent. yes. his lies must go on. when the time comes right, he will take her and this time she cannot be apart from him. forever.