Day. morning. locker hallway. student are busy gossiping before class starting. at the end of the hall. there's a three bullies. busying themselves asking for lunch money. two skinny, and one big fat. very big fat boy. his got blondy, short waving hair and looks like Mariah Carey hair dude.

Emma shaking her head. crossing her arm on her chest. she watch the harassment starting with the nerd dude. the nerd glasses on his crooked nose, bracelet teeth and his smell like a lavender. he came from the rich family. funniest is- why his parents sending him in this school anyway. they afford to paid boarding school for him. why here?

Now look what the rich family had done to their precious boy, giving up on everything. no one dare trying to help or stood for the nerd. not even Emma or Belle.


Belle trying to stood for the nerd but Emma forbid her to do so. the bullies are strong. Emma afraid the big daddy will hurting Belle. she barely imagine how will Belle breath if the big daddy sit on her face. this is-

"Look at those idiot." Emma said. shaking her head again. "I mean that nerd is rich, his family afford to paid boarding school. why they bother sending him in here anyway."

Belle shrugged as she look around. no student doesn't care about the nerd. they trying to safe their own ass.

"Look at the nerd? his lifeless."

Minute moment. a muscle, a pairs strong arm approached towards the scene. the students suddenly stop gossiping and they suddenly care for the nerd. Emma smirking as the place sudden when into silent.

Astonished. they stop and focusing on the nerd.

"Ow. look who safe the nerd." she said without turning to Belle. "Our heroes, our prince charming Mr. Gibson safe the day. ow." mocked Emma.

She turn to Belle who watch the episode between the teacher, the nerd and the bullies. she could hear Gibson voice between it, even they are standing the end of the way. yes. she could hear him speak.

"I'll make sure you three regret for this. is this the way your parent wasting their money for their idiot child like you guys." said Gibson.

His eyes sudden on Belle. she jolt, back away a bit as their eyes meet. she slowly slide herself, hiding behind Emma not wanting him to see her around. she hated it. but what can she do- Gibson is the teacher. she must face it.

"Four of you- walk. principal. office. I'll meet you four there in moment. I'd said, NOW!"

Quickly four of them running toward the principal office. as their figures fade away. he turn back to Belle for a while then his eyes to the rest of the students.

"Haven't you guys done something as the bullied started?" he asked. no one answered his question. "Funny. all of you may be educate but I was wrong. all of you are the FOOL!!"

Belle and Emma look at each other face, followed by the others. they never seen Gibson turning into hot tempered man. all they know Gibson is the gentle, coolest, kindest man down to earth. but today he wasn't that man they expected.

He completely changing. well- maybe through his marriage changing him. no one know. maybe he is. he's grown up now, he just had a new wife to support for. soon, a child to be support. later- no one knowns.

"Fool!!" said Gibson again.

He start to walk around the student.

"Foolish. dumb. idiot and stupid. non of you trying to help him as your saving your assess from the bullies. shame all of you both." he grit.

Exactly he stood front of Belle. Emma stare him, he caught her eyes. she gulped, eyes on the floor.

His eyes then on Belle. her back head leaned on the locker door. she wasn't afraid of him but- his mysterious behave made her to do so. she wasn't afraid of him. not afraid.


She blinked. as he spoken to her in softly tone. weird. she couldn't not said anything as she watch Gibson make his own way to principal office where supposed he meet the bullies and the nerd. she blinked her eyes again and turn to Emma.

"What was that?." asked Emma to Belle. "Seriously what was that? his marriage teaching him how to turning into cold man. haven't you look into his eyes? his eyes about to chocked someone with his hand."

Belle shrugged. she hugging herself. after the shocking scene. the student now moves their feet walk toward the classroom. Belle excuse herself by patting Emma arm who still not believing about Gibson behave.

In principal office. the bullies and the nerd sit on chair facing Mrs. Shimmers. she tapping her finger on the table, her eyes on them. Gibson are standing. arm on his chest. breath and exhaling. he spokes.

"How can you let this bullies happen in our school?." he asked.

"Are you questioning my position, Mr. Gibson."

"Yes. this-" he pointed at the bullies. "They two a bunch of sadistic ever born in this school. how can you let them hurting Mr. Malcolm. because of what? because he came from rich family. what. he deserve to be punish because of his wealth. what. you've done nothing."

Mrs. Shimmers pulling her glass down. she rub her crooked nose. she about to vomit but no she wasn't. she putting on her glass back. she look up at Gibson.

"I didn't know. I'd just know by they came in here and you."

"You don't know."

Gibson turn to the nerd. "How long you've been like this, Mr. Malcolm." asked Gibson.

"I bet before I came in here am I right?."

the nerd nod.

"See. he admit it. that's mean it's been so long and you sit in here- known nothing of your students behave. is that what you called yourself are responsible principal in Jackson st High school while you know nothing about your student."

He spat. the principal about to argued back but- "You marriage changing you, Mr. Gibson."


"Your marriage."

"My marriage is perfectly fine and there's nothing had to do with this shit. stop pulling around Shimmers or try to changing the topic. I don't respect you for this situation."

She leaned on her chair with smile. she asking the bullies and the nerd out. walk their own way to the class, while the nerd walked towards the medical room cause of his injured.

She hear Gibson threating the bullies that his gonna kill them both if it repeated again. has the three problem student close the door behind, she asked Gibson sit on the previous chair the nerd sit. he drag the chair and sit with grunted.

Shimmers. the principal study Gibson face a while. she also shocked too. this is not Gibson she knew for the first he step in this school. something or someone changing him. his wife? perhaps? maybe? but-

"As your spoke. I take an action on them. let this school life in peace." she smile.

He snorted. push the chair walk towards the door. before he reach the knob, he turn over his shoulder.

"Best you do. or else I take my own action." he reach the knob then slammed hard the door behind him.

Shimmers again exhaling, taking a deep breath. she slowly close her eyes trying to think somewhere place that could help her calm and she found her peace.